Battle of Helm's deep Part 2

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" Fire !!!!" cried Aragorn. I continued shooting my arrows as fast as possible.
" Fire !!!!" shouted Gamling.
Thousands of arrows were in the air but they didn't stop the Uruks.
" Ladders !!!!" screamed Aragorn scaredly. Uruks started to climb the ladders. They will be up here in a minute.
" Leithio i meigol !!!" I yelled and elves and men grabbed their swords immediately.

Uruks were here. Gimli tossed his axe and cut a head of one of them.
" I got two !" he cried.
" I'm on seventeen !!! giggled Legolas.
" Thirteen !" I cried back. Legolas smiled and shot another arrow.
" Nineteen !" yelled Legolas a minute later.
" Twenty !" I laughed, stabbing a dagger into one's chest.
" Sixteeen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty !!!" cried Gimli happily.
" Twenty four !" I yelled back.
" Now I won't let a pointy eared lassie with silk hair and thin legs beat me." he grunted and continued fighting.
I just giggled without realising that Legolas isn't near us.

" Na fennas !!" cried Aragorn. The elves turned and aimed for a group of Uruk-hais.
" This is all you can do Saruman?" laughed Theoden.
" Dago hon, Nathìniel !" cried Aragorn, pointing to one fighter that was coming straight to us. I fired an arrow but I missed.
" Dago hon ! Gurth am Glamroth !" I shooted another arrow, which finally hitted him. He fell to a mass of bombs.

A huge explosion setd off, blowing away a large part of the wall.
" Si at thûr !!" I cried and ran to the edge of the wall.
Haldir was fighting but looked exhausted.
" Nan barad Haldir !" cried Aragorn.
Haldir nodded and turned around. Aragorn continued fighting. I noticed an Uruk walkkng to me from behind. I turned around immediately, stabbing and arrow to his forehead and punching him into his chest.
When I turned I saw that Haldir was stabbed into his arm.
" Le maer ?" I asked fighting.

I got the answer when he smiled at the dead body of his stabber.
But then another one came from behind him and stabbed him into his back.
" Haldir noooo !!!" I cried and immediately fell on my knees next to him.
" Haldir iesten..."
" Harthon cened le ennas." he whispered closing his eyes.
" Hodo vae." I wept with tears in my eyes and kissed his forehead.

Everyone was screaming, Theoden and Aragorn were yelling at each other. We were by at least ten thousand uruks. It was too dangerous here. Hundreds of men and elves were lying on the ground dead.
" Hurry ! Inside ! Get them inside !!!" yelled Aragorn, everyone followed him to the caves but I didn't. My mind was blinded with sorrow. Haldir. My dear friend. I thought it couldn't be worse  but I was wrong.

Behind a mass of the dead was a white body. I ran there. It's chest was covered with blood and a single arrow was stabbed into its heart. Long blonde hair was dirty from dust and eyes closed.
" Legolas !!!!!" I screamed. Everyone was already safe and sound in caves but I was here, crying in the middle of the  battlefield.
" This can't be true ! " I cried, my tears falling on his face.
I pulled out the arrow and broke it in angrew.
" I promised !!!!" I yelled.
" I promised I would kill them ! And instead of that they took everything from me ! My family, my dearest friend and at last, the love of my life." I laid on him, burrying my face into his chest.
" Im boe meleth e guilen. Le mellon nìn, le thalionen nìn, herven nìn." I whispered, pressing my lips on his cold ones.
The uruks were everywhere. There was no chance I could survive this.

Suddenly I saw a light. It was shining brightly. As it got closer I saw a massive army. In the front line rode Gandalf.
" Forth eorlingas !!!" cried Theoden riding out with Aragorn.
" Theoden king stands alone." said Gandalf.
" No. Not alone." said Eomer coming from behind Gandalf.
" Rohirrim !!!" he cried. A whole army came closer.
" Eomer !" cried Theoden happily.
Eomer let out a huge battle cry:
" For the king !!!!!"

I stood up, leaving Legolas alone. I promised.
" For the king !!!" I yelled, raising the dagger of Helm.
Theoden looked at me with a huge smile and charged.
" Victory ! We have victory !" he cried.
With a broken heart and blade in my hand slaying the enemy I whispered: We won meleth nìn.

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