Battle of Helm's deep

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"Make way for Theodén !" yelled Gamling as the king approached.
People moved away and I saw Eówin, looking sadly at us, trying to find one certain person.
" So few of you has returned. So few." she sighed and continued looking for Aragorn.
I looked at her, our eyes met and hers filled with tears.
" Did he..."
" He fell. " I said and she sobbed into my shoulder.
" But there is still hope. We can't stop hoping." I said and wiped a tear from her cheek.
She smiled at me weakly and walked away.
I followed her.

" We must take the children and women to the caves of Helm's deep. They will be safe there while men will fight." she said annoyed.
" You want to fight too, don't you ?"
" I am no lady of princesses in this land. I am the lady of warriors in this land. My sword is prepared to be used whenever they ask me to do so."
I didn't say anything I just placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
" I want to fight !" she cried.
" You will." I said and walked away.

After a few steps I stopped.
My head started aching. I saw flashes of light and coulours pulsing strongly. Then I heard voices and everything stopped.
I saw my father telling Arwen that only death is waiting for her in this world.
Then the vision flew away. I saw Arwen looking at father sadly. She sat on her horse and followed the other elves. Father just stood on his balcony with a serious face.
Vision turned black.
I saw a man covered in blood lying on the ground, a horse was licking his face.

"Aragorn!" I cried in happiness but no one heard me.
" Ceven dhaer, anno vellas lín enin raw he." I started to heal him, my hand placed on his chest. I could feel him. But how ?
" Arwen's gone. My life has no meaning now." said Aragorn gasping for air.
" What about Gandalf? Frodo? What about Boromir ? You promised you will fight for your people. And Legolas ? I thought you are friends. And me. You have to come back. Im boe le, mellon. Le estel nìn" I said taking his bloody hand.

Then everything disappeared. I was again in the caves, surprisingly in Eowyn's arms.
" What happened ?" she asked looking at me worriedly.
" He is alive." I said and ran to the gate.
I saw two figures talking at the gate.
" Le abdollen. You look terrible." One of them was my love. Legolas. And the other...
" Aragorn !!!" I cried happily, running towards him.
" Harthenach" he smiled
" Harthenon" I nodded, looking into his tired green eyes."

" There are many of them in Isengard." said Aragorn when we came to Theoden.
" How many ?" asked Thedoen worriedly.
" At least ten thousand. It is an army bred only for one purpose."
Aragorn started and Theoden's eyes widened.
" Destroy the world of men. They will be here by nightfall."
" Let them come ! I want every strong man and boy to be prepared for battle till nightfall." said Theoden. Gamling nodded and walked away to the armoury. I followed him.

I was prepared ti wear some old, man's armour but what I absolutely didn't expect was to find  an elven armour. It was made from light copper,  painted with forest green and decorated with wonderful ornaments and shapes.

 It was made from light copper,  painted with forest green and decorated with wonderful ornaments and shapes

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I braided my hair

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I braided my hair.

I took my bow and arrows

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I took my bow and arrows

And just when I was putting my dagger behind my belt, someone's hand stopped me

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And just when I was putting my dagger behind my belt, someone's hand stopped me.
" Try this one." said Theoden smiling, gently placing a beautiful golden dagger decorated with ornaments and gems on my hand.

" said Theoden smiling, gently placing a beautiful golden dagger decorated with ornaments and gems on my hand

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" It's beautiful." I gasped.
" And dangerous. It's the dagger of Helm after whom this place is named."
" I can not accept it."
" Please. Take it. I know it will be in right hands."
" My king... " I said and bowed.
" Theóden." he smiled and walked away.
I happily examined the dagger, putting it behind my belt.

I turned on my heel prepared to walk away but a voice stopped me.
" You can't fight." it said. I turned and saw Legolas starring at me strictly.
" Why ? " I asked sadly. " You think I'm weak ?" Disappoimtment filled my heart.
" No I..."
" I thought you love me. That you trust in me."
" I do but I..."
" What's wrong , meleth nín?"
" Nathìniel I can't loose you!" he cried.
I placed my hands on his waist and softly pressed my lips on his.
" You won't." I whispered and walked away, prepared for battle.


The noise of a loud horn interrupted us.
" That is no orc horn." said Legolas running to the gate.
" Open the gate !!!! " yelled soldiers and others opened it.
There stood elves. Thousand of them and in the front of everyone stood my friend. Haldir.
"  How is this possible ? " asked Theoden, clearly surprised.
" There was an alliance between elves and men once. We fought and died together. And now we came to honor the alliance. " said Haldir, then looked at me smiling brightly.

" It's lovely to see you." he said and hugged me strongly.
" I missed you." I whispered, tighting my grip.
" Sy telir !" yelled Aragorn.
" Tangado i chui !!!" shouted Haldir. The elves grabbed their bows and ran to the citadel.
" Nan barad! Gurth enin goth !!!" they screamed.
" We will stay together, right ?" asked Legolas sadly looking at me.
" Forever." I said and gave him one last kiss on his cheek.
" C'mon lads, I need some hug before I die too." teased Gimli.


" What's happening there ?" asked Gimli jumping.
" Shall I describe it to you, or would you like me to find you a box ?" teased Legolas.
Gimli grinned and continued jumping.
Suddenly I saw and arrow flying in the air. It stabbed into one of the orcs who let out a terryfying cry.
" So it beggins." said Theoden raising his sword.
" Tangado halad!" shouted Aragorn. I notched my arrow and aimed.
" Hado i phillin !!!" he cried and thousands of arrows immediately flew in the air. Mine hitted a head of one of the orcs.

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