With you till the end

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I felt Legolas's hands being tightly wrapped around my body. I slowly opened my eyes.
I looked at him. His eyes were closed and his lips smiling softly. His messy hair were covering half of his face but he looked perfect. I leaned closer to him and kissed his lips, sweet as vanilla.
He didn't wake up he just smiled, tightned his grip and turned to other side.
I couldn't help myself but cuddled to him, burrying my head to his chest.

" Meleth nín..." he spoke from his sleep.
" Aragorn is gone." I whispered and tear fell from my eye on his tunic.
" We have to go. The ship is prepared to sail us across the sea."
" I can't. "
" Elvain will be alright."
" I'm not scared of him. I'm scared of Arwen. I can't leave her alone, weeping and lamenting forever."

" Le boe leddiach. An meleth lín." a peaceful voice spoke behind me.
I turned and saw Arwen. She was wearing a dark blue dress and her face was white as snow.
" Amin har a le. Amin mela lle muinthel nín."
" Ah e ú- erin meleth lín ?" she brushed my cheek and looked to Legolas.
" Asa e gerich."
" Cuil nín telitha an vedui, cuil lín dartha an lle na Valanor. Leddiach, muinthel nín."
" I will miss you so much."
" I will miss you more. You were the sister everyone would desire to have. Nathíniel Thurin elin -  abonnen di galadh, orthannen min lanthiriath." she placed her hand on my necklace and dissappeared.

" Come on meleth nín. We can't miss the ship." said Legolas.
I dressed into a green gown and carefully put a silver crown decorated with leaves on my head.

I dressed into a green gown and carefully put a silver crown decorated with leaves on my head

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Then I walked down the stairs where Elvain and Eolir were waiting to say goodbye

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Then I walked down the stairs where Elvain and Eolir were waiting to say goodbye.
I came to my son and took his hand:
" Farewell, ion nín. I have no doubt you will be a great king. Trust love Elvain and love will trust you. For love will be with you always, till the end."
" I will nana." he said and threw his strong arms around my neck, squeezing me hard.
I felt his cold tears falling on my shoulder.
" I will miss you more than anything." I whispered and looked into his beautiful blue eyes one last time.

Then I looked at Eoril with a smile:
" He made a wonderful choice."


The ship stopped at the shore.
" So this is Valinor." I gasped.
" It's beautiful." Legolas agreed.
It was true.  Monumental pillars made of marble were overgrown by flowers. Moon was shining brightly above the faraway hills of Middleearth. Sea was dark blue and violet and so was the sky.

But I was even more happy when I saw the people who walked to us.
My father Elrond, Thranduil, Gandalf, Frodo and Sam and Gimli !
Amd behind them Haldir. They were all so happy and at peace now and so were we.

We walked together hand in hand to the edge of a marble path in the water at bay.
" You are the greatest thing that could happen to me in my life." I said, holding Legolas' hands.
" Meleth nín..."
" Yes ?"

He leaned and kissed me so passionately like never before. I felt everything at sudden, happiness, love, passion, faith, sadness, gloom, simply all of those things we've been through in our life.  I remembered every kiss, every touch, every word of his. All the times when he smiled, when he laughed and when he cried.
He was my only love. The one I will always be with till the end.

ABONNEN DI GALADH - Born under the trees [ Legolas Love story ]Where stories live. Discover now