The Balrog of Morgoth

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Legolas' POV:

We were close to the bridge when we heard a loud noise. It could not be the orcs. It was something else.
" A Balrog. A demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you. Run!" shouted Gandalf and I tried to run faster. Which was suprisingly possible, even though I was carrying another person in my arms.
Suddenly I felt a touch. Nathìniel's beautiful olive green eyes were looking at me. She was alive.

Nathìniel's POV

The first thing I felt when I woke up was a horrible pain in my back. The second was blushing. Legolas was carrying me again.
" What happened?" I asked him still scared.
" You were stabbed in your back. We thought that you were dead !" he answered.
" Well... Fortunately I'm not. But it extremely hurts." I said and touched the wound. It stopped bleeding but the pain was terrible.
" I will heal you, melle... Mellon nín, as soon as we escape this horrifying place. Now we have a worse thing to face than orcs" he said. What did he want to say before he corrected himself ?

I didn't have the time to wonder for A gigantic creature, with yellow flames all around some massive dark mass reminding  a body, was standing on the other side of the bridge and Gandalf opposite it.
" You can not pass !" he yelled.
" Gandalf no !" all of us screamed.
" I am a servant of the secret fire. Wielder of the flame of Anor. Dark fire shall not avail you, flame of Udun !" he screamed on the creature.
" Go back to the shadow ! You shall not pass !" he continued. He slammed his staff against the ground and a flash of light drove the creature back. It stepped forward but the bridge gave away and the creature fell down.

It looked like we have won but then its tail grabbed Gandalf and pulled him down.
" Fly you fools !" and those were his last words. I heard Frodo screaming and Boromir comforting him but it was only an echo. My mind was now blinded by the fall of Gandalf. Is he dead ? Will I never see him again ? I felt hot tears streaming down my cheeks.
" Amman ?!" I screamed with my hands burried in my face, kneeling on the edge of a cliff.

Through my tears I saw Legolas coming to me and helping me standing up.
" It will be alright." he said sadly.
" No. It will never." I said and we quietly sobbed to each other's shoulder while our arms intertvined in a gloomy embrace.
" Come on. We must reach the woods of Lothlórien before the night falls." said Aragorn, shaken from Gandalf's death.
" Give them a moment for pity's sake !" shouted Boromir who was squeezing Frodo and Sam tightly.

After a while we followed him to the exit from the mines.
I came to Frodo who was still crying.
" I can't believe! He.. He was the strongest of us all ! He couldn't just die !" cried Frodo.

" The fate does what it wants. We are all in Ilúvatar's hands even though we have our will to decide. The death had taken him because He decided so. There's nothing we can do with it but move on. That's how life works, Frodo." I spoke sadly, definitely not agreeing with what I said.
" I know. It's just... It shouldn't be right now." he said and I wiped a tear from his eye.
" No. It shouldn't." I said and smiled but with tears.
" But we still have you. A sunshine in storm, hope in gloom." Frodo smiled through the tears.

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