The ring goes south

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I put on my linnen tunic, leather boots, leather archer bracers and a leather belt. I took my usual weapons, a dagger, knife, bow and a quiver of arrows.

 I took my usual weapons, a dagger, knife, bow and a quiver of arrows

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Then I went to the kitchen and stole some lembas for the journey

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Then I went to the kitchen and stole some lembas for the journey. It's a great food because one bite is enough to fill me for hours.
Then I ran down the stairs, outside of the house to the gate. Everyone was already waiting. Probably for me.
I hugged my father and then I came to Arwen.
" Be careful."
" Avaro naeth, muinthel nín."
" And look after Aragorn. I have to be sure that he's alright when I'll leave."
" Haven't you told him yet ?"
" No. I must think of something that will make ada say that I can stay."
" Good luck then." I said and hugged her tightly. Then I realised that her necklace is missing.
" Where is it ?" I asked.
" I gave it to him." she answered.
" You must love him very deeply."
" I do." she said smiling but with tears.
" Amman lediach ?" she continued.
" Goheno nín." I answered holding her hand.
" Hennion. Hortho le hui vaer.
" Le hannon." I said and left her there. Alone.


The weather was nice even it was night. Stars were shining brightly, showing us the way. I was walking alone. I wanted to know the others better than I did now so I decided to check on them.

Gimli was walking alone so I joined him.
" Hey las, how 're u doin'?
" I'm wonderful. Thank you for asking."
" You seem normal even though u 're an elf."
" You are ver kind too Gimli." I giggled.
" Well, I still don' understand where did those pointy ears come from." he laughed.
" I would rather have pointy ears than stand 4.3 feet tall." I laughed.
" I'm 4.4." he groaned and joined Pippin and Merry in their conversation.

" Those dwarves." Boromir walked next to me.
" You shouldn't talk to him like that. He's not worthy of you."
What was he trying to say ? If this is what he was calling courting than it absolutely didn't work.
" I don't sort people between worthy and unworthy ?" I said.
" Well you shouldm "
He said and put his arm around my waist. He started to lean dangerously close to me that I couldn't even move. I tried to stop him but he pulled me even closer to him.

" Leave her alone!" A voice behind us said.
Boromir immediately let me go and pretended that nothing happened. When I was free I saw Legolas looking at Boromir angrily. Does he care for me ? I asked myself.
" Are you alright Nathìniel ?" he asked worried.
" Yes. I think so. Do you think he was trying to court me?"

" I was you cold hearted pointy eared virgin. I just think that you don't care about men. How could you. You are one of those women who care about no one but themselves." Boromir answered
So this is what he thinks ?

" If I did not care for you I would cut your speech of immediately I want us to be friends. Good ones. But I don't give my heart to men that underestimate me and then try to court me. I have nothing against you. I forgave you everything. But please, understand me. I'm an elf and I already have eyes for another."
I said and smiled weakly without noticing Legolas' eyes sparkle and his breath stopping for a second.
" Yes, right." Boromir smiled too, clearly dissapointed.
" And would you tell me who is the lucky man?"
" I'm sorry Boromir, I prefer to treasure such things in my heart.."
" Alright, then." he said and walked over to Aragorn.

I walked quietly next to Legolas for a long time, when he spoke up.
" Ma o sad, Nathìniel?" he asked.
" Man e man ?" I asked suprised.
" I benn mellich"
I starred at him, my eyes wide. Why does he want to know ? Can I tell him? Maybe later.
" Ú- boe lle peddion. Naethen."
" Ú - chenion."
" You will. Once." I said sadly and walked over to Gandalf.

" Where are we going ?" I asked him still thinking about Legolas.
" We must hold to this course west of the Misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds, The Gap of Rohan will still be open to us, and from there our road turns east toward Mordor. Here we will stop for lunch."

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