Reunion of the fellowship

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I felt something strange. Was it peace ? And what was that thing that was covering me ? A blanket ? Wait... I'm in bed ??? What happened ?
I tried to go back to my last memory. The eagles ! They saved me ! Where is everyone ?

I opened my eyes and found myself in a beautiful room, full of sunshine.

I was clean, my hair smelled like flowers and when I brushed my cheek I realised that my wounds were almost healed.
I was dressed in a simple white gown which fitted me perfectly.

I was dressed in a simple white gown which fitted me perfectly

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As I was examining myself a soft voice spoke. The one that I love to hear every time:
" You look beautiful, meleth nín." Legolas took my hand.
I blushed deeply. Stroking my hair with the other hand behind my ear.
" Not as much as you do." I smiled. Well it was true. He was wearing a silver tunic and his golden hair wasn't braided as usual. It perfectly fell around his neck.
He leaned and kissed me passionately.
Oh his sweet lips... The caramel taste of his tongue was filling my mouth...Thanks to Arwen that she convinced me to stay I would regret it for my whole life if I died.
After a few minutes of kissing he looked into my eyes sadly:
" I thought I lost you..." he brushed my cheek.
I looked down at my hands away from his gaze.
" Please... Never do that again."
" I won't. I promise." I pulled him into another kiss.

" Oh they are so sweet ! I just can't stop watching them !"
" Shhh Pip... They might hear you."
" I think they already did."

I turned around. In the door there stood Pippin, Merry and..
" Sam !!!!" I jumped out from my bed and ran to him, squeezing his little body tightly when I hugged him.
" I can't breathe..."
" Yes.. Right... Sorry... Master Gamgee.." I cleared my throat and stepped back.
" I'm just kidding !" he laughed wrapping his arms around my waist.

" I'm so glad you are back Sam."
" So am I Nathíniel. You can't even imagine how I missed you." he gazed at me smiling.
" Sam... She's mine." Legolas teased me.
Sam just laughed.

I turned to Pippin and Merry:
" Look what we got here.. Esquires of Rohan."
They smiled satysfied.
" I'm so proud of you mellons." I ruffled their hair.
" We are proud of you. You have lit the beacon in Minas Tirith."
" Well that was nothing special." I smiled.
" It was very special." said Pippin with his head up as he was looking at me.
" If you say so." I kissed his cheek and he blushed immediately. Oh those sweet hobbits.

Legolas showed me to look to the left. There stood Aragorn. With all the beauty of a king.
I came to him and hugged him tightly.
" Hannon le." I whispered.
" There is nothing you should thank me for mellon nín. I was supposed to be Estel. The one who gives hope, but in fact it was you who always believed when there was nothing we could believe in. Gerich 'ûn sui maethor." he smiled.
" Gerich' ûn sui âr." I answered and ran to Gimli who entered the room.

" There she is ! I knew that the lass won't give up so easily !" he hugged me with a huge smile.
" You were right as always Gimli." I laughed and moved to Gandalf.

" You are a magnificient creature Nathíniel. I never met an elf, man, dwarf nor an ent with such a brave heart as you have. You are strong as a warrior but also gentle as a princess and wise as a lady. The world would look much better of it was filled with people like you."
" The same is for you Gandalf. I would not have been here without you. That reminds me of Frodo. Where is he ?"

Gandalf stepped aside, showing a little hobbit with dark curly hair.
" Frodo you live !" I hugged him.
" I am happy to be with you Nathìniel. After all those dark days a light has come.

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