From now until forever

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I woke up, jumping from my bed. My heart was bumping in my chest. Today is the day ! The dayyyy !!! I ran across my bedroom, taking the first grey tunic and trousers I found.


" I can't believe that you are going to be married." said Arwen, taking my clothes that I already took off.
" It's unbelievable right ??" I giggled.
" Ú.  Gui... Mathon sui e enwa mar ada utuvien lle mi Imladris."
" Iston." I said sadly, dressing into a white wedding gown.

I stepped from behind the courtain and twirled around so Arwen could see me

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I stepped from behind the courtain and twirled around so Arwen could see me.
" Le bain, Nathìniel, bainon." she said, wiping away a tear of happiness from her eye.
" Hanon le." I blushed and smiled at her.
" Ennas e. I bereth o Taur
e-ndadaelos." she placed a silver crown on my head.

I let my hair fall down my shoulders without braiding them

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I let my hair fall down my shoulders without braiding them.
And pinned a beautiful long veil decorated with white flowers to my hair.

And pinned a beautiful long veil decorated with white flowers to my hair

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" You look wonderful !" Eowyn cried, entering the room.
" Eowyn I'm so glad to see you again." I squeezed her tightly in excitment.
" I missed you too Nathíniel."
" How are you and Faramir ? "
" Well... Great !" she smiled showing me a golden engagment ring.
I smiled and embraced her again.
Then I put on white lace shoes and left the room.

Then I put on white lace shoes and left the room

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The forest of Mirkwood was crowded with people. Elves, men, hobbits and of course one dwarf. I walked the corridor between the seats, trying to find my friends.

In the front line stood my father. His eyes were wet from tears but he was smiling.
Next to him stood Arwen, holding Aragorns hand.
I looked at him and he smiled, showing me to continue walking.
He always knew that we will love each other. And of course he tried to tell me couple of times but I didn't understand.


" You will find someone. And he's already here."

Now I did.
Next to Aragorn stood Faramir with Eowyn. They watched every step of mine. I remember the day when I met him. I just wanted to see him happy. And now that he was with Eowyn it became true.
Behind Eowyn was smiling the king of Rohan. Eomer.

And next to him was Gimli, laughing contently, claping his hands. Dwarves. I thought to myself.
Oh and the hobbits. Frodo, Merry and my dear Pippin. He was always so sweet. And Sam with his lovely wife Rosy and their little daughter. What a wonderful family. They were all happy, their cheeks bright red.

Of course there stood Gandalf with them, dressed in grey so he won't look like the bride.
And behind everyone, hidden in the shadow was Treebeard. My father. His wooden eyes were crying and he sniffed, wiping his nose with the tree hand.
So he came.

Legolas' POV

She was so beautiful. Her wavy hair, so smooth and shining was perfectly falling down her shoulders without using a single clip.
She was dressed in a glorious white gown, contouring her body which was perfect as a sculpture from ancient halls.
Her smile was making her cheeks bright red.
And her eyes that were gazing at me from under the veil. They were just blinding me with the beauty.
And this wonderful woman will be mine. Only mine until the end of world.

Nathíniel's POV

I fianally came to the arch where Legolas and Thranduil stood.

I looked at my husband, taking his hand. He was so beautiful. His silky white hair was falling down his back. His light blue eyes mirroring a frozen lake. His perfect figure was hidden behind a silver tunic. And his smile that made me shiver.
This man. The fairest of all was going to be my husband.

Thranduil spoke:

" Here you stand, to promise that you will stay together, stand side by side, help always, whether in light or dark, protect each other, care for each other and love each other from now until forever." he put silver rings on our fingers.

Legolas looked at me:" Meliathon lle, meleth nìn

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Legolas looked at me:
" Meliathon lle, meleth nìn."
" O si, mennai oiale." I said and pulled him into a passionate kiss. A huge applaus echoed in the forest, people cheered and yelled but the obly thing that mattered was us now. I was in his embrace, listening to his heartbeat, smelling his hair.
He was mine. From now until forever.

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