A man with a great heart

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" What was I thinking ? What service could a mere ranger and an elven princess raised by trees offer such a mighty lord of men ! I must serve him until I die, he will never set me free. Never." I said for myself, wiping a tear from my left eye. I was sitting on a bench in my Half gondorian-Half elven dress, starring at the ceiling. I wondered  what was Legolas doing, hoping he was alright. I wished I could see him.
" You did a right decision, my lady." Faramir interrupted my thinking with a smile. He looked good when he was clean, without blood stains. He looked so much like his brother but also he was very different from him.
I just smiled nervously as he walked towards me.
" You look beautiful in that dress." he said.
" Thank you." I replied, immediately looking away.
" I never thought I will find an elvish dress here."
" It was my mother's."
I looked at him, surprised.
" She was a human but she got a bit of elvish blood on her father's side. He was a duke of Dol Amroth. Half man-Half elf."
I starred at the floor sadly, stamping with my feet.
" Is everything alright ?"
" Yes, it's just..."
He widened his eyes.
" I miss my fiancee."
" Oh, I didn't... I should not.."
" It's alright but... I'm afraid that I will never see him again. And if I will, I won't be able to marry him for I am the soldier of Gondor now."
He put a comforting hand around my shoulders.
" But do not worry of me. There are other things you should worry about."
" Like my father."
His smile fade away.
" Faramir, he loves you."
" He wanted me to die instead of Boromir. I'm nothing for him"
" You know... You are so similar to your brother but still you are not. Boromir was an honorable man. Very honorable. Strong man with a strong heart, he was brave too. But he had the type courage that shows only on battlefield. While your type of courage is different. Of course you are strong on battlefield but everyday when your father tries to let you down you fight. This is when we really are brave. The daily life, no the war makes us warriors. You are a mam with a great heart Faramir and one day your father will see it."
Faramir did what I totally didn't expect. He embraced me. Very tightly, whispering into my ear:
" Thank you Nathíniel. I've never met an elf before but now I know how amazing creatures they are."


" Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor, in peace or war, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until my lord realises me, or the death take me." I kneeled in front of Denethor.
"And I shall not forget it. Long had not the elves serve men and I will reward which is given."
He showed me his hand and I kissed it carefully.
" Fealty with love, valour with honour, disloyalty with vengeance." his tone turned from a kind to angry as he looked at Faramir.


After a few minutes of arguing between Denerhor and his son I sadly watched Faramir leaving the hall. What a cruel father he was. He sent his last son to his death.
I ran out, catching up with Gandalf.
" You're father loves you Faramir." he said when Faramir on his horse walked pass us.
I handed him a homemade little bouquet of daises and whispered:
" Pelo nalú i laiss en - Galadh Guil nín."
He smiled with a face full of questions.
" Farewell, son of Gondor." I said watching him an the other 200 soldiers galloping out of the city.
Somewhere behind those hills was my love and was prepared to do anything to see him again.

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