I saw the end of our love

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We were in the Great hall of Meduseld. Long tables were filled with food and drinks of every kind, fire was roasting. It was simply wonderful. After days of fighting and hiding we could finally have some fun. I was holding a glass of water, standing next to Aragorn, then he turned to me, his normally frightened and suspicious green eyes were now calm.
" Thank you." he said, smiling.
" For what ?" I asked suprised.
" For being here. For reminding me who I am, for still having hope, for everything." he looked at me seriously.
" I..."

" Tonight we'll remember those, who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead !" Theoden interrupted me.
I raised my glass and cheered with everyone around me.

" I care for those who I love, mellon nín." I smiled.
" So do I." he replied with a wink and walked over to Eowyn.


"Gimli and I are going to play a drinking game. Would you like to join us ?" asked Legolas, placing hsi hand on my shoulder.
" I don't drink. I never have. It's not good for you. And besides, I don't like it.
Eomer turned to me with a surprised face.
" Well, Rohan beer is the best way to start with it !" he laughed, filling my glass with a fresh beer of golden coulour.
" No pauses, no spills." he said, pouring the beer to Gimli's glass.
" Last one standing wins !" laughed Gimli, already sipping the drink.
" I don't think I want this." I said, looking at the weird liquid with a strong smell.
" Of course you do meleth nín! You just have to concentrate !" laughed Legolas.
" Good luck Nathíniel!" said Éomer and I took a sip.
At first it tasted disgusting but then... It was even worse.


" I feel something. I slight tingle in my fingers."
I smiled at Legolas, Eomer raised an eyebrow.
" I think it's affecting me." he finished.
" What did I say ? He can't hold his liquor!" laughed Gimli, then his eyes crossed and he fell on the floor.
Dwarves. I thought.

" Game over." said Legolas, smiling happily.
" Wait, wait..." I teased. " Who said that I'm not going to continue ?" I didn't like it. Not at all. But I wanted my fiancee to see hiw crazy I can be. Sometimes
Eomer smiled and gave me another glass of beer.
It was probably some elven magic but I didn't feel drunk at all.

Legolas' POV

Nathìniel looked at me. Now completely drunk. Oh god I never saw her like that. It may sound weird but she was still beautiful.
" I think... You know... I wanted tp tell you something."
" Nathìniel you are drunk. If it's anything you won't remember it tomorrow, melleth nìn." I said looking at her worriedly. What could be so important to ?
" No. I need you to go with me, to our room."
What ?
" Go. The lassie has something on her mind. You shouldn't miss that." winked Eomer. I took Nathíniel's hand and she led me upstairs.

Nathíniel's POV

Eómer walked behind us, trying to be quiet so we wouldn't be able to hear him. But he's a man, he can't be quiet.
I had to continue pretending that I was drunk. Actually my head was aching and I woukd throw uo immediately if I could. I will never - taste- any- of that- stupid- alcohol- again. Not even for fun.
I leaned on the door frame, grabbing Legolas by his collar, my head pulsing, and I kissed him passionately. Everyone was already sleeping, only Eomer was a few steps away. Then I started unbuttoning his tunic, still kissing him.
He propably liked it, for he put his tongue into my mouth, pressing his hand on my cheek.
I slowly stepped to a side, then again, to the terrace.
Eomer giggled and finally walked away.

I softly stepped backwards, leaving Legolas in his lovely dream.
" Well, that was amazing." he gasped.
" Was..." I said sadly, looking away at the stars.
" What's wrong, meleth nìn ?" he asked, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
" I heard Him."
" Your father?"
" No."
" Aragorn?"
I shook my head.
"Wait...  Do you mean...?"
" Yes. Sauron. He called me."
" Why would he do that ?"
" He's afraid. That Aragorn will return. Since Arwen left, I am the one who always believe in him. If I'll be gone, Estel will loose all his hope."
" You think he's trying to separate you from him ?"
" Not just from him. From you, meleth nín. I saw the end of our love."


Legolas is sitting on his bed, reading a book to a boy that sits on the floor next to him. Legolas smiles turning a page of a book where is painted a lady, dressed in black, covered with flowers. He suddenly shuts the book, burrying his face in his hands, crying.
" Ma se, ada ?" asks the little elfling, looking from behind Legolas' shoulder.
" Nathìniel. I beren, I bain, I gulwen, uin edhil."
The boy wipes a tear from father's eye and hugs him strongly.


" I can't leave him !"
" You have to. It's for your own good."
" I will die without him !"
" At least you will die as a hero."


Sky is grey, trees black, the life is gone. In the middle of a room is me. My eyes wet from tears.
" I shouldn't die."


I see myself, laying on the ground, deep in forest. My body is covered with flowers of white and my face hidden behind a black veil. My eyes are closed, lips bloody red, hands cold and white.

" No." cried Legolas, now sitting next to me.
" You can't allow him to manipulate your thoughts. This is not our future, Nathìniel." he said wiping a tear from my eye.
I just looked into his eyes sadly.
" This can't be it. It won't."
I smiled and he kissed me carefully.
" I won't let it happen."
We gazed at each other until we heard a voice:

" Pippin no !"

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