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I jumped across a forest stream. The fresh forest air was filling my lungs. Beautiful silver trees covered with moss were almost touching the sky. Wet grass tickled my bare feet and stars were shining brightly on the dark sky, looking like a blue velvet curtain. Finally a place that elves would enjoy. I thought to myself.

" Stay close little hobbits. They say a witch of horrible power lives here.  That those who looked into her eyes were never seen again." said Gimli grumply.
" You're wrong my dear Gimli, for this is a home of lady Galadriel. One of the most powerful and purest elven beings in middleearth." I treated him.
" Elf or not, this dwarf  she won't ensvare so easily."
Even a second didn't pass from the time he said it,  and we were surrounded by a group of elves, pointing arrows straight to our faces.

" And the dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." said a well known voice.
" Haldir !" I yelled in happiness and threw my arms around his neck. His strict face immediately turned into a bright smile.
" Nathìniel. Glass nìn le cennion. Annan le ú-gennin. Mannen le ?" he asked happily.
" Im penorven." I giggled, incredibly glad to see my old friend. He visited Rivendell a lot of times when I was young so we have known each other for ages.
" Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion." he turned to my beloved one.
" Govannas vín gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien." he responsed smiling.

Haldir welcomed everyone. After a little conversation with Aragorn he finally ordered:
" Aphado nin."
And we followed him to the beautiful city of Caras Galadhon.
Millions of lights shone in the endless number of massive trees, leading uo into the royal courtyard.
Soon we stood in front of two beautiful elves. On the left side there stood a handsome, tall, strong ellon with long white hair, caramel skin and dark brown eyes.

Next to him stood a beautiful lady, tall and white haired too but with deep blue eyes and light skin.
" Nine of you havearrived here but ten that I've heard were set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him." lord Celeborn spoke.
" Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders. He has fallen into a shadow." said lady Galadriel. Than Legolas said something but I was so lost in my thoughts, admiring the incredible beauty of the trees that I couldn't listen to him.

When they ended, some elf was ordered to show the rest of the fellowship where the garden is and when they can get new clothes but to me Galadriel walked and shiwed me to follow her.
We entered a beautiful room full of wonderful dresses. First I had a bath and then I dressed into a dark violet dress decorated with silver ornaments, I put on silver shoes and a silver crown with purple jewels.

 First I had a bath and then I dressed into a dark violet dress decorated with silver ornaments, I put on silver shoes and a silver crown with purple jewels

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Legolas' POV:

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Legolas' POV:

Nathìniel walked down the stairs. She looked beautiful. She always did but now... Well it was different. She looked like a queen of all elves.
Her hair was shining in all colours like caleidoscope. It was light brown as cinnamon, golden as sunshine, dark brown as wood and black as night sky. Her eyes... Oh her beautiful green eyes... They looked like they were smiling. And her raspberry lips... I wish I could kiss them. Her dress... It was perfectly completing her. Her body... Arms, legs, hands... She was just perfect.

Glass nìn le cennion. Annan le ú-gennin. Mannen le ? - I'm so happy to see you. I didn't see you for ages. How are you ?
Im penorven. - I'm tired
" Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion." - Welcome, Legolas, son if Thranduil.
"Govannas vín gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien - Our fellowship is at you service, Haldir of Lórien
Aphado nin. - Follow me

ABONNEN DI GALADH - Born under the trees [ Legolas Love story ]Where stories live. Discover now