Will you be my princess ?

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I walked down the stairs that led to a wooden terrace with a beautiful view on the Rohan mountains. I gazed at the silver  stars,  perfectly completing the silk sky like ornaments on a tapestry. Then I saw a small figure, standing on the edge of the terrace looking into the unknown. When I got closer, I immediately recognized that well known blonde hair, shining in the dark and perfect body, drawn in the shadow of the Golden hall.
" The stars are beautiful, aren' t they?" I asked, looking into his blue eyes, shimmering like sea at the moonlight.
" Not as much as you are." he said, taking my hand.

Legolas' POV

I gazed at her green eyes, mirroring a summer forest, interweaving my fingers through hers, long and white ones, cold as ice. This is the moment I've waited for. It's perfect. Everything here is beautiful exactly as it needs to be.
She still glared at me smiling softly, waiting for what I'll do.

I finally found the little wooden box I kept in my pocket since my father gave it to me. Maybe he wanted me to give it to someone else. But I love her more than anything in this world. And today I love her even more.

She stood there in front of me with all the forest beauty that she had in her elven soul. Her caramel hair was glittering as gold as the moon shined and it fell perfectly down her shoulders. The velvet dress perfectly limed her incredibly slim waist, , normally hidden under simple clothes. It was perfect but I would rip the it of her immediately if I could.

Nathìniel's POV

He was still glarring at me with eyes wide opened in astonishment.
Then I saw that he's holding something in his hand. A small wooden box.

Then he kneeled, still holding my hand

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Then he kneeled, still holding my hand. He kissed it gently and looked into my eyes.
" Nathìniel, I've loved you since the first moment I met you. Every time I see you, tears of happiness fill my eyes. My heart stops beating when you start talking to me. And the feeling when you kiss me... It's indescribable. But if I'd spend all my life with you, maybe I will finally find words for it." he settled down and I starred at him absolutely amazed from his speech.
" Will you be my princess ?" he asked and opened the box.

I stopped breathing for a moment.
" Yes !!!" I yelled in happiness throwing my hands around his neck. He softly put his lips om mine and I kissed him passionately, holding the box in my hand.
We kissed for minutes maybe hours, maybe whole night until we finally stopped.
" You're finally mine meleth nìn." he said, putting a beautiful, silver, forest themed ring with an emerald on my finger.

" he said, putting a beautiful, silver, forest themed ring with an emerald on my finger

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" And I will be, from now until forever." I said putting my arms around his waist.

He kissed me on my forehead and leaned his head on my shoulder. I leaned mine against his chest and listened to his heartbeat, calm and sattysfied.
" I love you so much Legolas." I whispered.
" But I love you more." he winked and kiss me once again, the taste of his cherry lips touching my tongue.

My heart stopped when I felt his warm fingers brushing my blade bones, slowly unbuttoning my dress.
" What's..."
He kissed me again stopping me from talking and stroking his fingers through my hair passionately.
" We should propably do that somewhere else meleth nìn." he said smiling. We left the terrace hand in hand without noticing Eowyn and Aragorn standing behind the wall, smiling at us.

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