My dear Sam

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Many years have passed but I still remembered my promise to Frodo. Whenever it was posibble, our little family went on a journey to the Shire to visit our friend Sam. Of course we also stopped at Pippin's and Merry's too.
Sam's daughters got along with our son Elvain very good and Sam's wife Rosie was an amazing woman. We always enjoyed the time in the lovely west.


" I wonder... How is it ? To be an elf ?" spoke Rosie and poured the potatoes into boiling water.
" Wonderful... Very wonderful." I said but I suddenly stopped.
" Nathíniel are you alright ?"
" Yes... Just... Never mind."
" It's the life right ?" she looked at me a bit sad.
" It is terrible to see everyone pass away while you still have thousands of years to live." I agreed.

" You know... Sam has been weird for last days. "
I looked at her big green eyes full of worries. I know that this day will come. The sea calls him as it is to call each one of us.
" But propably he's just stressed from all those mayor responsibilities." she smiled and started to lade the potatoes and vegetables on beautiful floral themed plates
I didn't say anything I just quietly helped her to prepare the table.
I looked out of the window and gazed at the beautiful scenery.

The green garden was gathered with flowers of all kind, and a there was a hobbit sitting on a bench with a little girl , another girl a bit older than the other was braiding the hair of a tall handsome elf who was smiling brightly.

" Nana ?" I turned around and saw my son.
" Yes ion nín ?" I kneeled to him so I could look into his eyes. He was tall for a little elfling but still he was not as tall as I was.
" Can I show you something ?"
" Of course you can ! " I smiled and took his little hand.
" But we go outside."
I looked at Rosie with a questionable look and she waved me to follow him.
I walked outside to the garden and I smelled the fragrance of spring.
" What is it Elvain ?" I asked but my son dissappeared.
" Elvain ? Elvain where did you..."

I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist, soft lips kissing mine passionately.
" Surprise meleth nín." Legolas whispered and gave me wonderful bouquet of flowers.
I smiled and kissed him again as our son giggled.


We were sitting at the table in the garden and warm sun was high on the sky. It was afternoon.
That moment I remembered that I brought another flower for Sam to his little collection.
" Sam I have something special for you." I smiled and gave him a little pot with a small purple bloom.
" It's beautiful ! That's the one you talked about before ?"
" No, that one grows only in autumn, you'll need to wait a bit longer but I thought you might like this one better."
" I do. " Sam stared in a speechless astonishment.
It's Niphredil helinille - a violet snowdrop. Very special one." I said and smiled.

Sam observed it and carefully planted it next to the other flowers.
While he was playing with the soil I stood there, looking at his little hobbit hands, giving life to a plant. As I watched him I noticed that his hands were trembling a bit and they looked wrinkled and old. Sam's face was also touched by time.
I stopped thinking when he rubbed his hands, satisfied of his work and looked at me with a big smile.
" Done."
I curved my lips into a proud smile. Sam smiled too but I could still see the worries inside his eyes.

" Sam you seem like you are hiding something." I whispered.
First he acted like everything was alright but then he finally spoke:
" There's actually something I wanted to tell you."
I raised my eyebrows to show him that I'm prepared to listen.
" I feel like I have to go. I miss Frodo very much and I start to feel old. I know that I'm not yer but I just feel like the life has already ended for me.

I would go immediately but
... Rosie... What if she won't understand... I can't leave her to raise two children alone."
" She is a strong woman. And most importantly she is very understanding." I lifted up Sam's chin and looked into his hazel eyes, eyes which saw so much dark but they still smiled.
" I know but..."
" My dear Sam, sometimes we have to do what our heart tells us, not what our responsibilities desire to."

With those words in his mind my dear friend Sam sailed to the undying lands.

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