A royal welcome

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I got up in a beautiful room. I was laying in a soft bed with fluffy pillows everything around me looked so clean and wondeful. I lost words when I saw the view. Skytouching cliffs covered with magnificiant trees of green, endless waterfalls falling into a peaceful river, white as snow. Sky was blue with no clouds and sun... I never saw anything as beautiful as sun in my whole life. The Fangorn forest was as dark at day as at night.
" You are awake!" someone interrupted my gazing.
It was old elven woman carrying some dress in her hands.
" Yes, but... Where am I ?" I asked.
" Welcome to  Rivendell, the kingdom of elves. Lord Elrond wants to see you so I brought you this dress.

" It's beautiful !" I said starring at the olive silk dress in front of me

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" It's beautiful !" I said starring at the olive silk dress in front of me. Even though I was just 2016 years old ( about 14 in human years ) they gave me a beautiful dress like I was a queen. They even gave me a crown !

The dress fitted me perfectly

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The dress fitted me perfectly. The maid braided my hair and I followed her to the meeting room

There I saw a tall man with dark long hair sitting on a throne. His eybrows were shaped to a thinking look, thin lips and dark eyes focusing on something behind the cliff.
"I'm here as you wished your majesty. " I said unsurely. His thinking look immediatly change to a warm smile and he showed you to sit next to him.
" Please, you can call me Elrond."
" It is a pleasure my Lord Elrond to meet you. Is there anything you need from me ?
" Only that I desire to know where are you from. We don't usualy find uncoscious and  underfed elves in. our forests."
" I don't know where I was born but I was raised in Fangorn forest by the old ents. After the orcs burned the forest I needed to find help. This was the only place except Fangorn that I knew so I tried to find it. But after a lot of days I felt so tired that I fell apart. I don't know how to thank you for bringing me here."
" That was nothing my dear. But It's really fascinating that young girl like you is so brave." he said with a smile.
" The ents have raised me like a warrior. " I replied.
" I see. You said that you wanted to find help, what did you exactly mean ?" he asked.
" I... I don't know sir. I just... The forest... It wasn't safe anymore.. I thought... Maybe if... "
" You can stay here as long as you want to. " he says.
" Thank you lord Elrond. You don't know how much does this mean to me."
"It is my pleasure Nathìniel."
I left the room wondering how does he know my name. Maybe it's some of those elven powers. I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't saw a girl walking to me and I bumped right into her.

"Oh, I'm so, so sorry I... I was
... I didn't realise you were...
" Shhh. It's ok. I was just looking for you."
" Yes, you Nathìniel. "
How does she knows my name? I asked myself.
" I have to show you something. Oh I almost forgot. My name is Arwen. I'm daughter of lord Elrond."
" Nice to meet you Arwen, but where are you taking me ??? " I asked still hoping to get an answer.
" You'll see. I think you will really like it. " she said smiling.

After an hour or maybe more we finally stop running.
" Now, close your eyes. " I did as she said, still wondering what was about to happen. When she finally told me to open them I almost forgot to breath. I was starring at the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. While I was safely standing on a bridge,  the water around me was falling down from an endless cliff. 

" It's wonderful. " I said trying to breathe again.
" I knew you'll like it. " she teased me.
" I wish I could stay here forever."
" You will." she said peacefully.
" What ???"
" Father didn't tell you ? " she asked surprisingly and continued : " He wants to adopt you. When he first met you he saw a great potential in you. He wants you to rule this kingdom once."
I stood there with open mouth still trying to accept what she just said.
" Does that mean..."
" We are sisters Nathìniel."

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