Breaking of the fellowship

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" Boromir stop !" I yelled at him while Legolas was coming for help.
He was trying to take the ring from Frodo, who was so scared that he put the ring on his finger and dissapeared.
But I knew that this wasn't Boromir's false. The ring, it was calling him. Unfortunately he's a man. Strong body, but weak soul.
" Boromir. Please. I know that you don't want this. Leave Frodo alone.  Please." I said and he finally stopped. He fell on the ground and cried.

" Frodo ! Frodo come back ! Nathìniel what have I done ?" he asked sadly. I came to him, shaken. I did not know what to do. So I wrapped my arms around his weakened body and brushed his hair.
" It's not your false." I comforted him.
" Then whose it is when it's not mine ?!" he cried.
" You weren't yourself. The ring has extremely dangerous power. That's why we have to destroy it. It hunts you like this and you don't even have to carry it. Imagine how Frodo feels." I said and wiped a tear from his eye. He was a jerk. Yes. But he was a friend. And friends must help each other. So we stayed there for a while, Boromir sobbing into my shoulder.

Suddenly we heard noises. Sword fighting, the noise that an arrow make when you shoot it and gasping like when someone stab you.
" Orcs !!!" I screamed and grabbed my bow.
They found us in a minute. Boromir was cutting their heads and arms with a sword. I was shooting arrows but soon they were all gone so I had to use my dagger. I ran to an orc who was turned back at me and stabbed the dagger to his neck. I pulled out the dagger and moved to another orc.
Disgusting creatures. I thought to myself when I stood face to face to orc's dirty teeth.

When I turned around, I saw two small figures hiding behind a tree.
" What are you doing there ?!" I yelled at Pippin and Merry.
" Hiding!" screamed Pippin back.
" They will see you !"
I didn't even finished the sentence and the orcs were already behind them.
" Run !!!" I yelled.
They ran exactly to the center of battle where I and Boromir were fighting. I tried to protect them and Boromir the same.

But he made a wrong move and and arrow flew right to his chest.
" Boromir no !!!" I cried.
Pippin and Merry just watched this terrifying scenery with tears in their eyes.
Boromir just continued fighting with an arrow in his chest. Bit he wasn't strong anymore. Soon another arrow hitted him and then another one. He fell on the ground with tree arrows stabbed in his chest.
" You can't leave us !" I cried and kneeled next to him.
I didn't realise that the orcs took Merry and Pippin with them.
Aragorn was running through the forest. When he saw Boromir he immediately came to us.

" Stay still." he said, kneeling next to me and taking Boromir's hand.
" Frodo ? Where is Frodo ?" he asked gasping for air.
" I let him go."
" Then you did what I couldn't. " he said and told him what happened with the ring.
" Forgive me. I've failed." he continued.
" No Boromir. You fought bravely. You kept your honor." I said and took his other hand.
" Nathìniel. You are still so beautiful, even when you are covered with orc blood." he said and I smiled with tears in my eyes.

Aragorn tried to pull out one of the arrows but Boromir stopped him.
" It's over." he said." My city will fall into ruins and my men will fail."
" I swear you I won't let our city fail nor our people fail." said Aragorn, looking into Boromir's sad grey eyes.
" Our people. I would have follow you. My brother. My captain. My king. And my lady." he said and looked at me, tears in his eyes. So he did love me.
Boromir closed his eyes. Aragorn kissed him on his forehead.
I just stood there, looking at a body of dead friend. I will never see him again.

Suddenly I felt a horrible pain in my chest. It felt like it was there before but I didn't feel it. I touched it and my fingers were completely covered with dark red blood. My blood. I fell on the ground breathless. The last thing I saw was Aragorn's frightened face starring at me.

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