A stranger from distant land

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" Here we go." I said and stretched the bow. But the arrow stabbed in the corner of thw target. I have to go again. I stretched the bow but I missed again. I can't do it. I was a strong archer and my arrows could fly a great distance but my ability to shoot precisely wasn't very good. I jsut wanted to hit the bullseye so badly. I tried to calm myself but I still couldn't do it.
" Struggling with archery ?" an unknown voice behind me said. I turned around and I saw a tall, handsome, blonde elf with beautiful blue eyes.
" A bit. I think I'm not concentrated enough."

" Can I show you?" he asked gently.
" Of course." I said, happy that I found a teacher because the Rivendell elves weren't archers. They prefered swords.
He gently touched my shoulder and smiled. His smile was so beautiful. It shined brightly even though it was day. I felt my cheeks turning bright red as he touched my hips and told me to turn a bit to the left.
" You have to be calm. And most important you have to trust yourself."
I focused on myself. I can do it. I can. I stretched the string and the arrow perfectly hitted the bullseye.

" Wonderful. You're a natural talent."
I thanked him, still blushing deeply.
" I couldn't do it without you, ahm..."
" I'm Legolas. Prince of Mirkwood."
" Oh, I'm sorry, my prince."
" Please, call me Legolas. And you are?"
" I'm Nathìniel. Daughter of lord Elrond."
" So you are a princess too?"
I nodded with a smile.

" Should I bow ?" he teased me.
" Of course no. I'm the one to.."
" Wouldn't it be better if we skip the formalities, hiril nín?" he asked with a huge smile.
" You are right, hir nín." I giggled.
" You're here for the council meeting?" I asked him.
" Yes, speaking of which, we should go. It starts in a few minutes." he said smiling and we left the archery arena.

hiril nín - my lady
hir nín - my lord

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