Return of the king

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Gandalf carefully took the crown, prepared to put it on Aragorn's head. He almost did so but suddenly he stopped. Aragorn whispered something to him. Gandalf smiled looking to the crowd trying to find a certain person. But who ?

I stopped breathing when I saw his eyes glaring at me.
" Let the real Estel come forth. The one who believed in me in my darkest times. "
Legolas waved me to walk.
I shyly stepped forward, trying not to look at anyone.

" Nathìniel... Rinnach nin i âr ?"
" An hantale, hîr nín." I bowed.
" Im mellon lín." he smiled. I walked to him, carefully putting the crown on his head.

" The king has returned. May the days of his reign be blessed." I said and the Gondorians replied with a huge applause and cheer.
" This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace." said Aragorn when I stepped aside. Gandalf smiled at me as I walked back to Legolas.
People clapped again. The cheer changed to silence when Aragorn started to sing:

" Et Eorello Endorenna utulien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta."

The song of Elendil hasn't been sung for ages.
He slowly walked down the stairs, people bowing their heads.

I saw Eowin standing next to Faramir. They were holding each others' hands. I was so happy for them. Faramir was the most honorable man I knew. He was tp love Eowin until the end of all days. And she was the most loyal woman I met, and I knew that she wouldn't leave him unless the death will take her.

Aragorn approached us. I stood next to Legolas, holding his hand. I felt so tiny next to a prince and a warrior like he was. Well still I felt safe and protected.
Behind us there stood my father, Arwen, Glorfindel and many other elves from Rivendell. I wished that Haldir would be here.
Aragorn put both his arms on our shoulders.
" Hannon le." he said, we replied with a huge smile.
Legolas gestured him to look behind us.

But he couldn't see Arwen among all the elves and she was also hiding behind a banner with the symbol of White tree, fully bloomed.
Aragorn walked closer past us.
Arwen finally looked from behind the banner. She wasn't immortal now but prepared to love. Tears in her eyes dissapeared when Aragorn put her into a passionate kiss.

Legolas and I looked at each other with a warm smile. Father's eyes filled with tears of happiness.
He wanted her to leave but he couldn't do anything when she decided to stay for her love. She made the choice of Luthien.
It just made me so happy to see her like that. Laughing, holding Aragorn tightly with her arms around his neck.

Hand in hand they walked towards the hobbits, we followed them.
As they stopped, Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry bowed, a bit unsure.
" My friends." Aragorn spoke.
" You bow to no one." he kneeled and so did Arwen, Legolas, me and all of the people who stood here in Minas Tirith.

Well it was over. The fellowship has ended even though we made love and great friendships that would never be forgotten.
Frodo and Sam saved us by destroying the ring.
Pippin and Merry became esquires of Rohan.
Gimli has found elven friends which he was so grumpy about all the time.
Gandalf has grown his power and wisdom as the white wizard.
Aragorn, the ranger of the north called strider was crowned the king of Gondor.
Arwen, my sister was now his queen, the queen of elves and men.

Boromir died with honor, protecting his friends while his brother and my dear friend Faramir became the duke of Ithilien and husband of Eowin.
A woman I will always think of as brave and kind. A great friend with big heart.
Theoden the Horse lord passed away by protecting his people and his throne now belonged to Eomer. Who I'll always remember as the funniest man I ever met.

Treebeard, my real father stayed in Fangorn. Elrond knew who he was and I loved him beacuse he took care of me. But I still remembered the ents as my people and my kin.
And Legolas and I ? We found love which will never fade away.
The story of the Ring ended but the story of Our Love just beginned.

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