Dream after leaving

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I woke up in a nice bedroom, covered with dark green velvet blanket. I turned around still tired. Next to me was Legolas, his eyes closed and his lips curved to a weird but cute, sleeping grin. He looked adorable. His hair, always perfectly styled was now messy, covering half of his pillow. He slowly opened his eyes as I glarred at him.
" Aur vaer meleth nín. " he yawned but then, completely awaken whispered: "Meleth thilia min hin lín." he said, brushing my cheek with his warm, soft hand.
I just smiled and kissed him on his nose.
I got up from the bed and put on my outfit

I got up from the bed and put on my outfit

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As I was walking to the hall, I saw Aragorn coming

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As I was walking to the hall, I saw Aragorn coming.
" Yesterday we talked with Theoden. We must evacuate people from Edoras as fast as possible to safety. There is a  place in the mountains that is called Helm's deep. The orcs will soon attack us so we have to protect the people of Rohan. While they will in the fortress, we will fight. Theoden will join us too. You and Legolas will ride there on Arod as you did before. Come with me." he said and I followed him to stables.

I pet my horse and slowly walked outside of the stables with him.
" Aragorn ??" I yelled, trying to find my friend.
Where did he go ? I saw him just a while ago.
" Aragorn !!! Aragooorn! "
Where's that man ???
" Estel ? Estel where are you?" I tried to find him in the crowd of people with their horses.
I started to be worried. Where could he go?
Finally I spotted him speaking sith some soldier. My heart rate slowed down and I turned my horse.

I almost left but I realised that Legolas wasn't with me.  I jumped down from the horse and ran to the room we stayed in.
And guess what. He. The strongest of all elves. Mighty warrior. Always full of energy. He was lying in our bed, covered with pillows, sleeping. I couldn't help myself but laugh loudly.
" What's..? Where's everyone ? "
I explained everything to him and he immediately jumped from his bed. Dressing up, he still murmured how embarrassing it is to oversleep for en elf. Of course I knew it. I was an elf.

We ran past the Golden hall to our horse. I sat behind Legolas, wrapping my arms around his waist and we galloped away to the Helm's deep.


I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I thought I woke up but it was a dream. I was in Rivendell lying in the old bed of mine. Wind was blowing and autumn leaves were all over me.
" I'm leaving Nathìniel." she said, sitting next to me.
" Min lû peddich nin in aur telitha." I said, a tear streaming down my cheek.
" Ú i vethed, nâ I onnad." she stroke her fingers through my hair.
" O man ??" I cried.
" O cuil lín." she answered.
" Amman lediach? E mela lle. Amin mela lle."
" Adar."
" Ú- lastach ho."
" E ada nín."
" Amin muinthel lín."
" Goheno nìn."
" Arwen, Iesten!"
" Unad unthatha i nîr le gurren nalú aderthad vín."
" Harthon geritach aeair vilui." I said hugging her tightly, my eyes full of tears.
" Dollen pellianen i vâd na dail lîn. Si boe ú-dhanattach." she said, brushing my cheek.
" U- dhanathon, muinthel nìn." I said and then she dissapeared like a leaf in the wind. She's gone. Forever. I got up from my makeshift bed and walked over to Aragorn's tent.

He was sitting on the ground, holding Arwen's pendant in his hands.
" She left." I said sitting next to him.
" I love her so much." he said, looking into my eyes.
" I know you do. So do I. But she did what was right."
" I should have listen to your father, when he said that I'm not strong enough to be with her. She's an elf. I'm a man."
" But you're not just a man. You are Estel. The one who brings hope and the one who always believe in hope. You are Aragorn son of Arathorn. The king of Gondor." I said and put the necklace around his neck.
" And Arwen will be your queen. I know she will come back. Because she loves you. And elves believe in love deeper than they believe in anything else. " I said, starring at my engagement ring, smiling.

" So he did it ?"
" Yes." I smiled.
" You two belong together as moon and sun."
" I know."
I turned around and saw Legolas smiling brightly.
I threw my hand around his neck and kissed him on his forehead.
" I think I got used to this really fast, meleth nìn." he smiled, kissing my cheek and showing me to come to my tent.

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