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The dwarves reach the gates and start looking around for any possible way in. I stop and close my eyes shifting into a hawk. I flap my wings several times and glide around, spotting steps carved into one of the dwarves I caw and circle around them. Bilbo notices and points "Elysian's found something." the dwarves walk over and Dwalin grins "Stairs." They start to climb and I fly to the top landing and shifting back. I dig around in my pack and find an apple which I eat quickly. 

Slowly the dwarves all appear on the ledge and we begin hunting around for any sign of a key hole. As the sun begins to set they begin to lose hope and I lean against one of the walls trying to make sense of the riddle that Lord Elrond read out all those months ago. The sun begins to dip below the horizon and looks of disappointment, worry and shock flit over the dwarves faces. I crouch on the edge of the ledge of rock and lean my elbows on my knees. What are we missing? The last light of Durins day...Where the thrush knocks...

The sun fully disappears and the dwarves let out sighs of defeat. They begin to move back down and I stand grabbing Thorin's arm. "We have to be missing something. Where are you going?" he scowls "This has all been for nothing." he drops the key on the ground the sound echoing of the enclosed rock. "Thorin." he continues walking away and I turn to find Bilbo pacing up and down mumbling the riddle to himself. "Last light? Last light?" I gasp "Moonlight!" he nods "Yes, moonlight." 

The clouds drift apart and a beam of moonlight shines down on the rock. "Key? Key? Where's the key?" I lean down and pick it up before yelling "THORIN!?" he appears a moment later looking panicked "What happened? Are you hurt?" I smile handing him the key "I'm fine, but turn around." he turns slowly and Bilbo grins "Moonlight. The last light of Durins day is moonlight." the other dwarves begin to reappear and I keep back knowing how much this must mean to them.

Thorin places the key in the door and it clicks a large slab of stone swinging open. Dwalin and Thorin walk inside slowly speaking in low voices. Bilbo walks over "What happens if the dragon wakes up?" I frown "Destruction. But lets hope its still asleep." he nods and Thorin calls him over. 

Something pulls my attention away almost like a bright shaft of light of to the right. I frown and almost yelp in shock when I feel a tendril of magic running down my spine. The portal. It's being fixed. My magic feels stronger already, I can feel the crystal pulsing with power as it reaches out to my home. Grinning I close my eyes focusing on it feeling as it grows steadily stronger. Portals usually take a week to fix. If magic is reaching through then they have about five days until it is fully operable. "Elysian?" I turn and Thorin looks concerned "Are you alright?" I nod "I'm fine. I thought I should let you have your moment. This is your home."

He takes my hands in his kissing my knuckles gently "I look forward to showing you around." I smile "As do I my king." the others sit or stand around on the ledge and I notice Bilbo has gone "Where is Bilbo?" Thorin stares down the open passage and I nod slightly "You sent him in alone?" he nods "He is to retrieve the Arkenstone." I nod again and sigh deeply "Lets just hope the dragon doesn't wake."2

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