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Thorin P/O/V:

I scowl at my two nephews "What are you talking about?" Fili smiles "You have feelings for Elysian." I cross my arms glaring at them both "And how did you work that out?" Kili grins "You can't deny it. Your always checking that she is okay and constantly staring at her when you think no one is looking." Sighing I shake my head "Your wrong." they both shrug "What ever you say." the two of them walk away and I sigh staring at the new clothes the Master of the town has given us for the dinner tonight.

A large amount of elvish swearing echoes around the house and I change quickly, instantly worried for Elysian. Walking downstairs I find all the others waiting Bilbo steps forward "Have you seen Ely?" I shake my head and Balin smiles slightly "Here she is." I turn and my jaw almost hits the floor. She is wearing a tight fitting red dress and the front drops dangerously low, there is also a long slit up her left leg. Her hair falls in silky sheets around her shoulders, she glares "Alright either you all stop staring or you all go mysteriously missing never to be heard from again. I may be wearing a dress but I can kill you just as easily" 

The others look away some chuckling and she pulls on a long cloak pulling it tight around her. Bilbo walks over and they have a hushed conversation while we walk through the town to the masters house. The doors are flung open but few people are entering. We walk up the steps and are coats are taken of us. Elysian hands her's over slowly before crossing her arms over her chest glaring at the man, Alfrid, with obvious distaste. He shrinks back slightly and we are taken through to the main hall. The master of the town, several other men and two guards are seated at the table. 

I sit at the opposite end to the master and Elysian and Balin sit on either side. I concentrate on the table so I don't stare at Elysian and try to concentrate on the Master who is making a long boring speech about wealth and joining our two people together and some other nonsense. Eventually he sits down and several servants come forward with trays of food. The others start talking and eating happily and the master raises his goblet "So king under the mountain who is the lovely woman who graces your side." I frown slightly at him "She is a member of this company and a strong warrior."

He nods and one of men grins "I'll bet that's not the only reason." he scrapes his eyes over Elysian and I grip the arms of my chair so I don't throw my knife at them. He grins "Pretty thing like her, no way is she only with you because of her fighting." something dark flares in her eyes and she stares the man down flames circling around her arms and head, she looks beautiful and deadly. The fire casting menacing shadows over her face. "I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself unless you wish for your tongue to be removed." he pales slightly and the others all laugh.

The flames disappear and Elysian sinks down in her seat crossing her arms and legs a scowl plastered on her face. I watch the others talking and eat a little, the food is greasy but edible. After several hours I stand growing tired of the masters friends and the way they keep looking at Elysian "I'll take my leave of you now, thank you for the food and your kindness." The master grins slopping wine down himself while waving his hand in farewell. 

Elysian stands as well stalking out of the room before me. I smile and pull on my coat "Are you all right?" she nods pulling on her cloak "I'm fine." we walk outside into the night air and I look at Elysian out of the corner of my eyes and I stare at the tattoos on her chest only half looking where I am going "You know staring is rude." I flush and look away "I wasn't staring." she smiles but says nothing. "Can I ask you something?" she nods "The tattoo on your chest, you never mentioned it before?" her face turns a deep red and she moves her head so her hair falls in front of her face. 

"It's just a rune." we stop outside the house were we are staying and I turn to face her "It's not just a rune." she smiles tightly "It's nothing to worry about." I smile slightly "I'm just curious, I've seen something like it before." she stares at me confused for a moment then opens the door "It's not important." she disappears leaving me outside confused.

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