Farewell party

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Thorin P/O/V:

I frown at my nephews confused "You said what to her?" Fili smiles "We only called her aunt once and asked if it was alright." I sigh "We only just got together and you think that's okay?" they both look down sheepishly "We're sorry." I nod gripping there shoulders lightly "I know, but I want to take things slow with her. And we currently have a lot more things to worry about like the mountain and a dragon." they nod "We're sorry uncle." I hug them both "Come on we have a party to get ready for."

They grin and nod walking away. I smile fondly after them before washing quickly and changing into the clothes that the master of lake town sent. Satisfied that I look presentable I walk downstairs joining the others "Don't you look regal." I roll my eyes slightly at Balin who smiles "The master has shown us great kindness. It is only right we wear what he requests." I nod slightly tugging at the collar and sit with Balin while we wait for the others to come down.

Bilbo appears in similar clothes to Balin and sighs "I think you may want to keep Ely away from the master tonight." Balin chuckles "And why is that?" "Because if you don't she might kill him." I turn slightly to find Elysian wearing a similar dress to the first night. But this time it is blue and has long sleeves that fall of her shoulders to her waist. I stare at her speechless and Balin nudges my arm " You know if you stare harder she might disappear. "

Elysian chuckles sitting opposite me "Please stop staring." I smile moving my gaze to the table then to the ceiling before focusing back on her "You can not go out wearing that?" Gloin appears grinning "Is it because it is cold?" Dwalin appears behind him "Or because too much is on show?" I scowl at them and Oin and Bofur appear shortly followed by the others. I continue to scowl and Elysian takes my hand gently "Time to go." I nod smiling at her and standing. 

Elysian P/O/V:

We walk through the streets of Laketown and Thorin doesn't let go of my hand. "How long do we have to stay?" he shrugs slightly "I don't know. At least an hour." I sigh "It's bloody freezing." Thorin chuckles and squeezes my hand lightly "It'll be warm inside." We walk up the steps into the Masters home. Inside the main hall there are several tables laid out with food and drinks. 

The room is only partially full, most of the town guards, serving girls, a few nobles and Bard. There is also a small group of men playing instruments in the corner. I walk over to him and smile slightly "Hey." he grins "What are you wearing?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms "Something horrible." he chuckles and stares at the braid behind my left ear "That's new." I blush slightly and run my hand over it "Yes it is." he smiles "I'm happy for you Elysian. You deserve to be happy. Even if it is with him." 

He nods towards Thorin and I punch his arm "You know if you got to know him he's actually very nice." he laughs "I'll take your word for it." I laugh and snag a wine glass of a passing servant. I take a sip and gag "This stuff is horrible." he shrugs "The master waters it down so it's cheaper. Here." he hands me a glass half filled with an amber liquid. I drink a little and grin "Much better thank you." he nods "Of course."2

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