Old friends

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(time skip six years)

Gathering Ryuu, only a few months old, up in my arms I follow Thorin into the Green Dragon our four other children surrounding him. Orna, Nero, Inari and Aldan. A familiar hobbit steps forward a few grey streaks in her hair but still the same warm smile "Hello sir how may I help you? Elysian? Oh its wonderful to see you again." I smile bowing my head "Mila it is good to see you as well. This is my husband Thorin."

Mila curtseys slightly "Pleasure to meet you. Please make yourself comfortable." she takes our bags bustling upstairs before we can protest. Orna and Nero sit on the floor by the fire making small shapes flutter up while Inari watches from behind a chair leg. Aldan is jumping around Thorin trying to climb up his leg.

I sit down beckoning him over and pulling him up next to his youngest sister. "Mama why are we here?" I smile "Do you remember the stories about the mountain and Smaug. Well we are here to visit our burglar." Inari runs over leaning on my knee "Bilbo?" 

Mila returns smiling brightly "Mr Baggins? He's got a young nephew living with him now. Adorable little dear." I smile "I'm afraid we fell out of touch a few years ago." She nods slightly "Can I get you anything to eat?" Orna and Nero, who manage to eat their body weight in food, jump to their feet "Mama can we have something?"

I smile nodding "Of course, Mila some bread and cheese please." she nods and bustles away returning with enough food to satisfy three grown adults. I help the four of them up into seats before perching on the arm of Thorin's chair handing Ryuu to him still sleeping soundly. "How are you feeling love?" he smiles warmly taking my hand in his and kissing the back gently "I couldn't be happier my dear." I smile brushing a stray strand of hair from his face, he looks much more relaxed, the grey disappearing from his hair as immortality takes root in his heart and he no longer bears the stress that comes with running a kingdom. 

"We should probably go and see our Mr Baggins." I nod "You head over with Ryuu, I'll gather the others." he chuckles kissing me gently "I'll see you in a few minutes my dear." I stand and help Mila clear away the plates before taking Inari and Aldan by the hands Orna and Nero run ahead playing tag. "Mama is Mr Baggins nice?" I nod "Oh yes very nice"
"Will he tell us stories?" I chuckle "If you ask nicely then I believe so."

A familiar green door comes into view the mark that was once their long since faded. Orna and Nero race to the door turning flushed and grinning. "You can knock." they both turn knocking excitedly. The door swings open a slightly aged Bilbo standing on the threshold "Elysian, oh it's wonderful to see you again. Come in, come in." I give him a hug grinning "It's wonderful to see you as well Bilbo. How have you been?" he chuckles ushering us through into the living room where Thorin is sitting a small hobbit with dark curls and curious eyes sitting at his feet. "Elysian this is my nephew Frodo." 

I smile bowing my head slightly "It is lovely to meet you Frodo. These are our children the twins Orna and Nero and the second twins Inari and Aldan and our youngest Ryuu is in Thorin's arms." Aldan and Inari both sit with Frodo starting their own little game while Bilbo gets tea and cake. Thorin hands me Ryuu and I sit next to him Orna curling up by our feet while Nero explores the room. Bilbo returns handing me a bottle of milk "Thank you." he settles into his arm chair "It is so good to see you both again. How is everyone? How is Erabor?" 

I let Thorin do most of the talking while I feed Ryuu who gurgles happily. "So Fili is now king, that's wonderful. I have been meaning to visit, but with Frodo I suddenly seem to have no free time." I smile looking around at our children all sleeping on a large sofa while Frodo sleeps soundly in his Uncle's lap. "They are a handful, but worth it." 

We end up staying till the early hours of the morning practically falling asleep in our chairs. "Your welcome to stay the evening. I can make up the spare room." Thorin nods slightly glancing over at four of our five children "I think that would be a good idea." I help Bilbo make the bed before laying Ryuu down in a makeshift crib before helping Thorin move the two sets of twins to the bed tucking them in before heading back to the living room. Bilbo says goodnight and Thorin sleeps on the sofa after a long argument with Bilbo about having his room, while I curl up by the fire with a book not feeling the need to sleep.

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