Immortality or mortality

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Thorin P/O/V:

I walk out the throne room and stop when King Maven and Queen Elinor walk over. "May we speak with you?" I nod "Of course." I lead them over to a private chamber and sit down "Is something wrong?" Elinor shakes her head slightly "Our daughter means the world to us and of course we are thrilled that she has found you. But we have a small concern, as you know Elysian is immortal and dwarves are not." Maven sighs "We do have a alternative. All Majda have the power to make themselves mortal or their partner immortal. Knowing Elysian she would not ask you to choose and simply make her self mortal."

I nod slightly letting the information sink in "She would do that?" they both nod and Maven sighs "We will leave the decision up to the two of you but we would like you to consider immortality." I nod again not knowing what else to do "Elysian would really chose mortality?" Elinor nods "She cares for you deeply and she would never want to force a decision like this onto you. She has already chosen to stay here than come home. But we believe you need to know this it is fair on both of you." 

"Thank you for telling me." Maven nods and stands, Elinor smiles slightly "I wish to stay a moment." he nods and leaves, she turns to me "I am sorry to put this decision on your shoulders, I love my daughter very much. She is old enough to make her own decisions but this is something you both need to talk about." I smile slightly "I understand."  she nods "Thank you, Elysian could not have found a more worthy soulmate." I flush at the compliment "That is high praise." she smiles standing "It is deserved."

She leaves and I lean back in my chair mulling over what I have just been told. Elysian would truly choose mortality? A mortal life or an immortal one. There's a soft knock on the door and Elysian steps inside smiling softly "Are you alright?" I nod and stand taking her hands in mine "I'm fine love." she smiles pressing a light kiss to my cheek "Everyone is waiting." I nod "Of course, come on." we walk towards the newly built dining room and take our seats. 

The food is served but I can't focus on the conversation due to the only thing going through my head is Elysian and the choice between mortality and immortality. She nudges me under the table leaning over "Are you sure you're alright you seem distracted?" I nod giving what I hope is a convincing smile. "I'm fine, I promise." she nods smiling before turning back to her food eating a little more than normal. I turn my focus to the others watching Elysian's brothers and my nephews. 

Relaxing back in my seat I hold a mug of ale loosely in one hand Balin turns "Thorin when will Dís be joining us?" I smile "Soon I should think, she said she had some things to deal with in the iron hills before she came." he nods and Fili grins "Have you told her about Elysian?" I nod "Yes." Elysian stands "I'll see you later." I smile brushing my lips along her knuckles "Bye love."

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