Lady Dís

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Elysian P/O/V:

I wander around Erabor smiling slightly at the dwarves I pass greeting the ones I know with warm greetings. "Elysian." I turn bowing my head "Balin, how can I help?" he smiles "Thorin has requested your presence in the throne room." I nod "Thank you." he nods bowing his head "Of course." I debate walking but decide against it and shift into a hawk gliding through the corridors stopping just outside the throne room doors to shift back. The two guards stand tall and I give them both a smile "Belis, Dalnur."

I walk inside and stop dead in my tracks looking between the two dwarves for a moment thinking I'm seeing double. After a second I realize Thorin is standing on the left and his female look alike on the right. "Dís this is Elysian Theron. Elysian this is my sister" the female dwarf turns beaming "She's beautiful. Its a pleasure to meet you in person Elysian. I have heard a lot about you and it seems I owe you my entire family's life," she takes my hands in hers squeezing them gently "Thank you." 

Thorin chuckles and I smile slightly "You don't need to thank me." she shakes her head "But I do. My family means everything to me especially my boys and I know how reckless they can be." Thorin grins "Just a little." she turns shooting him a glare "I blame you. Your also reckless and don't even think about lying Gandalf already told me everything."

Thorin pales slightly and she turns back to me "From what I've heard I think we are going to be fast friends and..." she tails of staring pointedly at my shoulder where my courting braid and bead is currently resting. Slowly she turns her hands on her hips "Thorin Oakenshield why didn't you tell me you where courting. When did this happen? How long?" she turns back to me "Does he treat you well? Are you happy together?" I smile walking to Thorin's side kissing his cheek "We've been courting since we left Lake Town, in my culture we get a tattoo when ever we meet our soulmate. He treats me very well and yes we are happy."

Thorin kisses the top of my hand gently "I didn't tell you because I didn't get the chance to." she nods looking between the two of us "Well you do make a cute couple. Elysian would you join me on a tour around Erabor. I have not been here for a long time. I am curious to hear more about your culture." I nod smiling "I would be honored." I kiss Thorin's cheek smiling "I'll see you later." he nods "I apologize for all the questions you are about to endure." I chuckle "I'd rather that than a council meeting." he groans "Don't remind me." I grin kissing his cheek once more "Love you."

Dís loops her arm through mine beaming "I dearly missed this mountain," she sighs looking around "The re-building has gone extremely well so far. And that elf Lord has been kind enough to help, I suppose we have you to thank again for that?" I chuckle "King Thrandruil simply had a change of heart." she nods "Do you know where my boys will be? I have yet to see them." I smile turning down a corridor towards the main armory "They will be down here." 

She nods "I have missed them both terribly. Thank you for looking after them I know they can be troublesome, its a family trait." I laugh "It is no problem and please stop with the thank yous." we walk into the armory to find Fili and Kili sparring with a pair of lethal looking blades. They drop them to the floor when we enter and both barrel at their mother wrapping their arms around her tightly. I stay of to the side smiling at the reunion. 

They break apart falling into dwarfish which I understand for the most part, thanks to Dwalin and Thorin's lessons. Fili and Kili turn to me beaming "Do you mind if we join your tour?" I shake my head "Not at all." Dís smiles looping her arm back through mine "Shall we." 

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