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Thorin P/O/V:

Elysian lays next to me on the bed while I run my fingers through her hair and absentmindedly trace her ears. The distant clock tower in Dale strikes seven reminding me of the meeting I arranged with Dis and Elysian's brothers. "I just remembered I have to go check on the guards. I couldn't do it this morning and it is a royals duty to make sure they pass inspection." she shifts slightly "Do you want me to go with you?" I smile "You stay here love, I don't know how long I'll be." she smiles "Have fun." I chuckle kissing her forehead before shuffling of the bed and pulling on my coat.

Glancing back at her for a final time I leave walking through the almost deserted corridors save for the guards dotted around, most people will be in their rooms by now. Just as I am about to reach the throne room Fili and Kili appear around the corner whispering between them. "Uncle?" I smile "What are you two doing?" Kili grins hiding something behind his back "Could ask you the same question?" I sigh "I have a meeting to attended." Fili nods slightly putting on a serious expression "We are discussing politics." I sigh shaking my head "Stay out of trouble."

I walk into the throne room shutting the doors behind me. Dis, Ranon and Attar are sitting on the step the throne sits on. "There you are." I smile apologetically "Apologies, your sons are up to something." Dis shrugs "When are they not?" Attar grins "We were always getting in trouble, Elysian constantly was getting us out of it." Ranon nods "Speaking of Elysian, what do you plan on doing?"

I sigh "I was planning to propose at the ball in the next few weeks. However I need help proving she is who she says she is." Ranon grins "I'm sure our parents would be honored to make an appearance." Attar nods "You already know Elysian will say yes." I nod slightly but Ranon looks uncertain "You will have to prove that it won't effect your authority in the mountain. If she thinks it will effect you in anyway she will likely leave believing it is best." I frown shaking my head slightly "She means more to me than the crown." Dis grins "The elves and people of Dale and Lake Town are coming as well are they not?" I nod "Well King Thrandruil, Lord Elrond and Lord Bard know Elysian well they can help." 

Ranon raises a brow "So you will propose publicly. Showing how much you love her and showing the council who she truly is. With so many witnesses the council won't be able to object." Dis nods slightly and I cross my arms sighing "They won't be on the council for long, I'm putting the council positions to a vote, every dwarf in this mountain gets a say and I don't care who's name gets put forward it will be the majority that wins. The results will be announced at the ball as well. That way the mountain gets a council who truly care about whats going on and I don't get stuck with a room full of old bastards." 

They all chuckle and Attar stretches "We will talk to our parents about attending the ball. Mother will agree straight away when she hears about the engagement." Ranon chuckles "Please don't tell Ely we visited without saying hello." I bow my head slightly "Your secrete is safe with us." Dis grins "Absolutely, I'm going to write to those elf lords and ask for assistance with Elysian. Thorin I suggest you return back to your room before she gets suspicious." I chuckle "She was sleeping when I left."

I walk with Ranon and Attar to the main entrance "See you soon your Majesty." I chuckle "Safe journey your highness's." they walk way shifting into large birds several steps out, turning away I walk back to our room pushing open the door as quietly as possible. I smile softly at the sight, Elysian is tangled up in one of the blankets hugging a pillow to her chest. Changing into a loose pair of trousers I lay next to her pulling her into my chest before drifting into an easy sleep.

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