Battle of five armies

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The orcs charge forward and the dwarves surge forward to meet them.  Thrandruil follows shortly after leading his elves. I shift fully and push upwards swooping down over the orcs. Several elves shoot arrows that I easily block and make my point by burning through a large group of orcs. 

Another horn begins to blow and fear ripples through me, I know that horn. I fly upwards towards the horn to find my fears true. Eighty or so soldiers all bearing the white wolf. In front leaning lazily on his sword stands Striker in full battle armor his helmet hiding his face. I hover for a moment and spare a glance to the mountain entrance hoping that Thorin and the others will arrive soon. There's no way I can fend of Strikers army. The elves and dwarves are all occupied and the orcs are almost over running them anyway. 

Growling I flap upwards preparing myself to barrel into his army straight on. They haven't moved obliviously knowing they have the upper hand. A loud rumbling starts and I grin the mountain bursts open the dwarves running out yelling, weapons raised. Simultaneously the blocked of tunnel explodes rock and dust showering down. Two dragons fly out followed by two Majda. I grin as they turn to the open portal watching as more Majda stream out most armed to the teeth or shifting into animal form.  

Looks like they knew Striker would be here but luckily from his reaction it looks like he had no idea the portal was fixed. Swiveling away I turn to find trolls with catapults aiming towards Dale. Barreling towards them I dive low spreading out my wings to knock them down before bellowing out a stream of flame till there is nothing but a large pile of ash. Now the portal is fully open I can feel the magic seeping into this realm and seeking the crystal I carry. Lowering myself to the ground I shift back to my normal form and draw my sword running towards Thorin and Dain who are surrounded by orcs. 

More orcs swarm forward and I scowl raising my sword and twirling around trying to clear a path to Thorin. Several dragons swoop over head but luckily the elves and dwarves don't attack them. "Elysian!" I turn be-heading an orc that gets to close. Thorin appears in front of me his eyes clear "I'm so sorry. Sorry doesn't even begin to cover it. I don't know what came over me. I love you, you have to know that." I give him a small smile "I don't think now is a good time for apologies," I raise my blade swiveling around to cut down several more orcs before turning back to him "I love you too."

Dain strides over "What do you want elf?" Thorin glares at him and I grin but don't say anything. "Where the hell did all these bloody dragons come from?" I smile sheathing my sword and preparing to shift "Calcite, they are here to help you." turning I press a quick kiss to Thorin's cheek before shifting into a wolf and running towards the Majda warriors battling Strikers men.

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