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Stepping through the portal home Thorin turns instantly gazing worriedly at my face "Thorin, I'm fine. I promise." he nods intertwining our fingers kissing my knuckles "Who should we tell first?" I chuckle as we walk towards Erabor "We should gather the company and family. Tell them all together then you can announce it how you like."

He chuckles leading the way back to the mountain where guards are waiting for us along with Dis, Fili and Kili. "Hello Aunty, Uncle." I chuckle hugging Dis then the two brothers "How was your honeymoon?" I grin turning back to Dis "Excellent thank you." Fili and kili grin nudging Thorin "Did you have fun?"He sighs rolling his eyes slightly "Please gather the company in the private dining room I we wish to talk to you" Fili and kili both bow before bounding off.Dis loops her arm through mine ginning "Well I'll walk with you. How was your family?"

I smile "Excellent. My eldest bother finally told our parents about his relationship My parents are both well and my youngest brother has joined the army primarily, where he is heading his own unit." She nods "Well that's excellent, can I know this news of yours?" I smile slightly looking over to Thorin "You will find out soon" she huffs "Alright then, is it good or bad?" I can hear Thorin chuckling as I reply "Good."

We reach the dining room and Thorin helps me to a seat holding my hand gently while Dis looks between the two of us. Everyone arrives slowly taking a seat. "Thank you for all coming. We have some news that we wish to share and we wanted you to be the first too know." he squeezes my hand gently "I'm pregnant." everyone remains silent a moment before cheers and shouts of congratulations echo around the room. Dis beams standing and pulling me into a hug "Oh congratulations. I'm going to be an aunty, oh you're going to make wonderful parents." 

I'm soon surrounded by the dwarfs all congratulating the two of us and giving us hugs. Dis shoos everyone back frowning "Don't crowd her." I smile slightly sitting back down feeling slightly overwhelmed "Are you returning home?" I turn to Dis nodding "Yes I'll return home in five months." she nods "Well if you need any advice or help don't hesitate to ask." 

Thorin makes the formal announcement to the public within a week while I mostly stay in our room leaving for walks regularly but avoiding crowded spaces. Dis regularly accompanies me along with either Fili and Kili who have become a sort of personal guard. 

In the fourth month of my pregnancy there is a large ball planned that I have to attend. Fili and Kili refuse to leave my sides. Thrandruil, Elrond and Gandalf are all in attendance. I walk over to their little huddle giving them all hugs "Congratulations my dear." I smile slightly "Thank you." Elrond smiles softly "How are you feeling?" I sigh "Tired mostly but other than that fine. Thank you for the tonics, my mother was very glad about them." he bows his head "Of course."

Thorin appears by my side wrapping a protective arm around my waist "Wonderful to see you again Gandalf. Lord Elrond. King Thrandruil." I smile nodding a long to their conversations starting to feel tired. "Are you alright love?" I nod stroking my thumb along the back of his hand "Fine, thank you." he smiles gently squeezing my hand "We can go in a moment, I just need to say goodbye to a few people. Wait here?" I nod moving closer to Elrond as Thorin and Gandalf disappear into the crowd.

Someone knocks into my back sending me stumbling luckily Elrond catches me with ease putting me back on my feet but keeping an arm around me gently. "Are you alright?" I nod turning to find Thrandruil with a dagger at a large dwarfs throat "I suggest you apologise to your queen." the dwarf snorts  "I'm not apologising to some elven bitch." 
"Thrandruil I'm fine please lower the dagger." the dwarf sniggers "Listen to the women elf." 

I feel Elrond stiffen next to me "Thrandruil please." slowly he lowers the dagger turning away a steely glare set on his face. The dwarf snickers "That's right pointy eared prince listen to the freak." I groan magic flaring in my veins. Thorin appears behind the dwarf fury swimming in his eyes Fili and Kili on either side "Step away from my wife." the dwarf turns swinging his arms out in a slight bow "Your majesty." Thorin scowls hand on sword "Fili, Kili kindly escort this piece of scum to the dungeons." 

They both step forward grabbing him by the arms and dragging him away cursing and mumbling. Thorin is instantly by my side "Are you alright?" I nod taking his hand "Fine, thank you." Thrandruil scowls "I should have slain him were he stood." Thorin turns around "Thank you and he will be dealt with severally." thanking Elrond and Thrandruil once more we leave the room heading back to our own.  

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