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Thorin walks into the mountain while I stay rooted to the spot processing his words. I know the dragon sickness has taken over most of his mind but his words sends jolts of pain straight through my chest. Shifting I return to my room only to change into armor and gather my weapons. Leaving most of my belongings on the bed I shift back into a hawk and fly out of the mountain towards the blocked entrance that leads to the portal home. I know it is not fully fixed but it can't hurt being nearby.

Bilbo P/O/V:

I duck back behind the pillar I'm behind as Thorin storms past leaving Elysian standing alone on the balcony. I pat my pockets hastily checking the Arkenstone is still there. When I turn back Elysian has disappeared. Sighing I decide to wait until night fall then I will go to King Thrandruil and Bard and talk to them. Running back into the mountain I find a rope and hide it quickly before returning to the dwarves finding them putting on armor and gathering weapons.

Thorin approaches me and takes me of to the side. "I have a gift." he holds up a shiny metal shirt "It is mithril, no blade can pierce it." I take it slowly putting it on "Thank you." he nods slightly grabbing my arm and taking me of to the side. ""I have been betrayed by one of my own. One of them has taken the Arkenstone." I frown "Thorin, non of these dwarves would ever betray you. They respect you and would follow you to death." I notice his eyes are cloudy and frown slightly. "Why did you send Elysian away?" he scowls "She betrayed me." I decide not to push.

Thorin scowls continuing as if Elysian was never mentioned "But if one of them has stolen it they will pay." I nod and he walks away following the other dwarves who are all wearing armor and carrying various weapons. I watch from the side as they march past hoping that Elysian is safe. Once night has fallen I slip away throwing a rope over the side of the wall and clambering down. I slowly make my way through the camp towards what looks to be the main tent and push back one of the flaps finding Thrandruil, Bard and Gandalf inside. 

(time skip to before the battle)

Elysian P/O/V:

I watch from the shadows as Bilbo climbs back into the mountain smiling at the bravery of the hobbit and prey he has made the right decision. The elves, Bard and Gandalf all approach the mountain in the early light and I move to a higher point so I can survey what happens. Crouching low I watch the dwarves appear all dressed in full armor and bearing weapons. Thorin stands in the middle in kingly attire glaring down at the people gathered in front of him.

From my position I can hear everything that is said and listen intently keeping a light grip on my bow with an arrow held loosely in my other hand twirling it around in my fingers. The Arkenstone is revealed causing a stir and a lot of anger from the dwarves. My grip on my bow tightens but I keep my position only shifting slightly ready to move at a seconds notice.

A loud commotion to the left draws my attention and I stand in surprise leaning against a large boulder next to me. An army of dwarves have appeared most riding on what appear to be large pigs. Lord Dain of the ironhills. The lines of elves turn towards the dwarves drawing their weapons fluidly. Groaning I sling my bow onto my back and move to shift when the ground starts to rumble several large Were-worms exploding upwards followed by legions of orcs. I scowl and start diving into my magic beginning to shift into my true form. 

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