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Elysian P/O/V:

I secure my weapons back in their places before jumping into the water with the dwarves. They float down the river and I swim to shore climbing out of the water flexing my arms as my magic returns. I run alongside the dwarves and turn quickly when an arrow flies past narrowly missing my head. I take my bow of my back and knock an arrow shooting the first orc that comes into view. Several elves appear and I smile slightly at Legolas before continuing to shoot orcs as more come into view. I continue running trying to keep up with the dwarves when they start to yell out "The gate is shut." I take my second sword and two hunting daggers throwing them to the closest dwarves as I run to the gate.

Kili goes to get out of his barrel but I yell "Stay, I've got it." he must hear as he drops back into his barrel. I reach the gate killing the orcs that are swarming towards it and pull down the leaver allowing the dwarves to float through. Legolas stops in front of me and bows his head "My father I don't know what has gotten into him." I shake my head "Do not worry, I do not judge people by their parents." he nods "Go after your friends I will deal with the orcs." I smile "Thank you." he nods and I put my bow back on my back before diving into the river using the river to strengthen my magic.

I find the dwarves and Bilbo sitting on rocks the barrels laying around them for the most part whole. I pull myself out the water and Fili and Kili run over hugging me "What did that elf do to you? Are you okay?" I smile "I'm fine." Dwalin, Oin and Gloin walk over handing me back my weapons "Thank you." they nod and Balin walks over "Are you alright lass?" I nod and smile at him "I'm fine." they walk away sitting on the rocks and emptying their shoes of water. I dry myself using magic glad that I have it back. But I can't stop thinking about the darkness in Thrandruils eyes.

I walk away from the dwarves scouting the trees for any orcs. Human footsteps reach my ears and I turn to find a dark haired man pointing a loaded bow at the dwarves. I take my two hunting daggers from my back and walk up behind him putting one to his throat and the other to his stomach "Don't move. Who are you and why are you here?" he doesn't move "I'm Bard and I am here to retrieve the barrels from the woodland realm." I remove my daggers "Turn around." he does so lowering his bow I grin "It is you." he smiles "Elysian?" I smile and put away my daggers hugging him "How are you?" he shrugs "Can't complain." he pulls away "How have you been?" he looks at the dwarves and I smile "It's complicated."

He smiles and starts loading the barrels onto his boat "What is a company of dwarves doing here?" Dwalin smiles "We are just humble merchants travelling to see our kin in the iron hills." he nods and Dwalin smiles kindly "We need to get across the lake." Bard turns to me "They are with you?" I nod "They are my friends." he nods turning back to Balin "I will help you but it will cost you." I take out my almost empty bag of gold "Is this enough?" I throw it to him and he nods "That should cover it." the dwarves all climb onto the boat and I sit at the front of the boat leaning against the side. 

Thorin walks over sitting opposite me "How do you know him?" I smile "I have visited Lake town on many occasions. I met Bard several years ago his daughter was sick and I healed her." he nods "He is trustworthy?" I nod and he continues to stare "Why did you pay for us? We have given you nothing." I smile "Consider it a thank you for getting me out of those chains." "What did they do to you?" I shudder "They drained my magic. A gift from Striker." he growls slightly "The elvish bastard will pay." I smile and Bard calls out "All of you in the barrels." The dwarves and Bilbo climb into the barrels and I pull up my hood hiding my face and ears before standing behind Bard.

He stops at a shady looking port and walks over to a man who he talks to in a hushed voice. I bite my lip to stop from smiling as fish is brought on board and poured into the barrels. Bard walks back onto the boat smiling "I couldn't think of a better way to hide your friends." I shrug "I just hope it works." he smiles and starts moving the boat through the water towards Lake Town. The dwarves start complaining loudly about the fish and Bard kicks the closest barrel shushing them.

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