Thorin Oakenshield

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Thorin p/o/v:

I look at the dwarves seated around me and frown to myself. So these are the only ones who answered my call. I only spare a glance at the hobbit and wizard before my eyes land on a cloaked figure seated in the shadows a hood hiding there features "Who is the shadow?" Gandalf smiles "Thorin this is Elysian Theron she will be joining this company."

She stands and pushes back her hood. She has light blond hair, blue eyes, a tattoo peaking up from under her armour and several piercings in her ears that are pointed. I scowl "I do not want the help of an elf!" She smiles slightly revealing pointed teeth "I am not an elf Master dwarf."

Gandalf smiles "She is a strong warrior and will be helpful on this quest. Elysian this is Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori and Thorin Oakenshield." She bows her head to each of the company and smiles kindly at Balin "I have met Balin but it is a pleasure to meet you king under the mountain and company."

Balin smiles "Good to see you again lass." I raise an eyebrow at Balin who only smiles. Gandalf smiles and places the map on the table the hobbit brings over a candle "The lonely mountain." Balin hands him the contract before turning to Elysian "I'm afraid I don't have one for you lass, Gandalf didn't tell me I'd need two."

She smiles "Do not worry about it, it is highly unlikely for me to die and if I do I will be the one to blame. As for payment I do not want anything." I chuckle "No one does anything for free what is in this for you?" She frowns slightly "I know the pain of losing your home and everything you value. You have a chance of regaining yours. You have my word that I will do all i can to help free of charge."

I scowl slightly not convinced but nod anyway. The hobbit is still reading through the contract and gasps in shock "Incineration?" Bofur nods "Yep Dragon fire will melt your skin right of your bones." The hobbit goes pale and Bofur continues "Think big fire then poof your a like of ash. Relatively painless."

The hobbit falls over backwards but never hits the floor the girl has caught him. I could have sworn she was on the other side of the room. I sigh and follow the others through into the sitting room where the hobbit is sitting in an armchair clutching a cup of tea. Gandalf and the girl are in a corner speaking quietly. She nods slightly and disappears out the door almost silently.I

Elysian p/o/v:

I follow Gandalf to a corner by the door and sign "You plan on reclaiming the mountain." He shrugs and I shake my head "Thorin and his company do not want me on this quest." He smiles "Balin likes you and I'm sure the others will as well. Give them time." I nod and he smiles "We will need ponys and supplies." I nod "I can arrange that." He smiles "Thank you, be ready to leave early morning outside the green dragon." I nod "Good night Gandalf." I bow my head and slip out the door and back to the green dragon.

The next morning I pack away my belongings and change into a black tunic and trousers my armour on top. I pull on black boots and attach daggers to my legs, boots and arms. I sling my bow and quiver on my back with two hunting daggers and tie my sword around my waist. I comb through my hair and plait it before pinning it to my head to stop it getting caught on my bow.

I grab my saddlebags and walk downstairs and out the stables. Once I'm sure all my things are secure I walk Nala around the front and leave her drinking from a trough. back inside the inn I approach the elderly hobbit, Ren "Do you know where I could purchase fourteen ponys and food and camping supplies." If he is shocked he doesn't show it "Of course I can arrange all of that but it'll be expensive."

I place a bag of coins on the counter "Take what you need." He nods and starts counting out coins handing a considerably lighter coin purse back to me. "Thank you." He nods and disappears out a back door. I walk back outside to find several hobbits running around with bundles in there arms. In an hour and a half there are fourteen ponys saddled and laden with various supplies. Mila runs over and frowns "Your leaving?" I nod and she sighs "Will you come and visit again?"

Smiling slightly I nod "It may not be for a long time but you have my word that I'll return." She beams.

Thorin p/o/v:

Me and my kin walk out of the hobbits home and follow Gandalf to a small inn. Outside there is already ponys ready and waiting for us. I find an elderly looking hobbit and stop him "What do we owe you?" He looks confused "Its already played for by the young lass." I look over at Elysian who is talking to a female hobbit and more confusion mounts in me.

I nod and walk away to one of the ponys. The others mount and Gandalf appears on his own horse. Elysian mounts her own horse, a jet black stallion and we start riding away from the shire. The others start taking bets as to whether the hobbit is going to show up and I roll my eyes ignoring them.

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