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We must walk around the whole of Erabor discussing our lives and the quest to reclaim the mountain. A guard appears breathing heavily "I've been looking for you everywhere. Dinner is being served." Dis grins "Wonderful." I smile following her to the dinning room. We both curtsy taking our seats either side of Thorin "Sorry we are late, we got lost in discussion."

Thorin chuckles "You do not need to apologize," I grip his hand lightly under the table placing a little food on my plate "We were discussing when to hold the Durin's Day ball. Seeing as we missed so many we thought we would host it early." Dis grins "That's a wonderful idea, we all could do with a celebration." 

Balin nods "I suggested in two months. Everything should be rebuilt by then and everyone who wishes to will have returned. It will be a perfect way to thank Bard and Thrandruil and of course Elysian's family for all their help." Thorin nods "Excellent idea. I will run it by the council tomorrow." Fili and Kili start whispering to each other and Dis shoots a glare towards them "What ever you are both saying can be shared with the rest of the group."

She motions to the original company and Dain who decided to stay until everything was finished. Fili grins "Sorry mother, but this is between Kili and myself." she shakes her head slightly and Kili grins "I assure you it is nothing to worry about." Thorin grunts "I don't believe that for a second." I chuckle and finish eating listening contently to the dwarves discussing what to do next with the rebuilding and what aid to send to Lake Town.

Gradually they all start to leave and Thorin turns to me offering his hand "Ready to leave?" I nod taking his hand in mine. We walk back to our room and I change out of my clothes pulling on one of Thorin's shirts and a pair of baggy trousers. Thorin chuckles "I do love you in my clothes." I giggle laying next to him on the bed wrapping my arms around his waist. "I love you Thorin Oakenshield." he kisses my forehead gently "I love you too Elysian Theron, so much." 

I snuggle closer into his chest "I got a new tattoo by the way." I look up grinning "Oh?" he sits up lifting his shirt to reveal Fili, Kili, Dis and now my name. "You added my name?" he nods and shifts to show his lower back showing a small dragon "Is that me?" he nods and I lean up kissing him gently "I love them." he chuckles "I'm glad."

Reaching a hand out I trace the dragon "When did you get these done?" he shrugs "Two days ago." I roll onto my back with my head in his lap "I think I could get use to this. No worrying about fighting or orcs just us." he runs his fingers through my hair gently braiding little pieces together "I believe we have a long time my dear." I nod closing my eyes "Absolutely." 

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