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The next morning I roll over bumping into Thorin's chest not wanting to move. "Good morning love." I mumble "morning." into his chest making him chuckle "I like the light here, very different to the mountain." I sigh stretching out "I'm glad you like it." Sitting up slowly I push my hair out my face glaring at my chest "What did I say about marks?" he chuckles tucking an arm behind his head "Got to let everyone know your mine." 

Shaking my head slightly I stand pulling a blanket around me as I walk over to the bathroom beginning to fill the bath "Mind if I join you?" I grin dropping my blanket "Not at all." After an eventful bath I change into a simple tunice and trousers Thorin in similar attaire and we head to the family dinning room for breakfast. A servant steps forward "Good morning your majesty's. The King and Queen bid you good morning and apologise for not being here they will see you this evening. If there is anything I can get for you?" 

I smile "Coffee and toast would be great." Thorin smiles "The same will be fine." We sit by the window looking out over the sea accepting the food smiling. "So we are going around Calcite today?" I nod sipping at my coffee "Yes, then tomorrow look at the barraks. And on Sunday we'll head to our cabin for a week of relaxation and no responsibiltys." he chuckles "Sounds lovely." Finishing breakfast I grab my sword strapping it across my back and a purse of coins tying it around my waist before grabbing Thorin's hand in my own "Come on."

We spend an amazing morning walking around the main part of the city greeting people and wandering around shops. Around noon we find a small bakery to buy something to eat. An elderly lady behind the counter smiles warmly when we enter "How can I help the beautiful couple?" she speaks in Calcitean so I translate for Thorin "Anything you suggest." 

"Two Ticio pastries please and two strawberry tarts."
"Of course."
She starts placing the four treats into a box "You have a lovely glow about you highness. Does your husband know of your joyful news?" I stare at her confused "News?" she flushes "Apologies highness I assumed you knew. I have had three myself, you learn the tells when you get to my age." I feel my eyes widen and she hands the box over "Congratulations highness."  I nod slightly still trying to process the news "Thank you."

Thorin places a hand on my arm "Are you alright love?" I nod recovering my senses "Fine, great, wonderful." he chuckles taking the box of me "Were should we go to eat?" I smile looping my arm through his "We'll go sit by the sea." After eating I spend a dazed afternoon showing him the park and my favourite part of the entire city the lake in the woods. "This is truly a beautiful place." I nod "I'm so happy to be sharing it with you."

We head back to the palace hand in hand "Do you mind if I go check on something quickly?" he kisses my hand "Of course, I'll see you later." pressing a quick kiss to his cheek I head towards the healers quarters. Pushing open the door I smile slightly "Hello Lilah." she looks up from her work bench "Ell oh its wonderful to see you again." I hug her gently "What brings you here?" I sigh "While in the city an elderly woman in the bakery mentioned something and I would like you to confirm."

She leads me over to one of the beds "What is wrong? You're all tense." I sigh "She suggested that I was pregnant." she smiles brightly "Oh thats wonderful news, lets see shall we."

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