Happy family

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"How are you feeling El?" I look over at the door Ranon leaning against the frame a bowl of chocolate strawberries in hand "Are those strawberries?" he chuckles
"That didn't answer my question, how are you feeling?" I shrug slightly eyeing up the bowl
"Are those strawberries?" he walks over handing me the bowl which I balance on my belly smiling to myself "Any discomfort?" I shake my head digging into a strawberry 
"Thanks for the strawberries." he chuckles "No problem. Thorin will be here shortly, thought I would keep you company."

I lean my head onto his shoulder "I'm sorry if I've been grouchy." he wraps an arm around my shoulders "You haven't been grouchy. You're pregnant its just hormones." yawning I place the empty bowl of to the side "I'll be glad when its over. I can't do anything, I feel tired all the time, I keep craving weird foods. But when it is over I will have two little babies to look after so I guess that's awesome." he laughs kissing my temple and withdrawing his arm "Your going to be an amazing mother and I am going to be the best uncle ever." 

The door opens and Thorin enters grinning. Ranon stands "I'll see you later." Thorin comes over sitting next to me "How are you feeling my love?" I smile sleepily leaning my head onto his shoulder "At the moment fine, but my mood swings are all over the place and I keep craving strawberries, potato and sweet chili sauce which I discovered by accident. Strawberries, chocolate and potato is actually really nice." he chuckles kissing my temple "I'll take your word for it love."

He places a hand over my belly humming softly "I can't wait to meet them." I grin placing my hand over his " You are going to make a wonderful father." he turns his head slightly kissing me gently "And you are going to make a wonderful mother my love." I go to reply when a sharp pain goes shooting down my spine making me wince "Are you alright?" I groan as another spasm of pain happens. "I think I'm having contractions." his eyes widen and he jumps to his feet "We have to get you to the medical room." 

He helps me to my feet and I grip his hand tightly while we walk. Ash runs over nudging me worriedly "I'm fine." I place a hand on her head quickly transferring it back to my stomach. Two guards rush over looking worried "Lilah, find her please." one rushes of while the second stays taking my other hand as a double over once more in pain. "We're almost their love." Lilah comes skidding around the corner pulling her hair up in a bun "Your only a week early so everything is fine. The delivery room is ready. I have alerted your mother." 

We reach the delivery room and the guard remains at the door while Lilah helps me inside, Thorin hovers by the side of my bed stroking my hair and holding my hand. My mother arrives all a flutter while Lilah hands me a glass of green liquid which helps with the pain immensely. "Alright Elysian dear I'm going to need you to start pushing in a few minutes alright?" I nod gripping Thorin's hand tightly "Its okay love, just think when its over we'll have two beautiful children." he presses a gentle kiss to my cheek "It's time. Elysian I need you too start pushing." My mother takes my other hand talking soothingly while Thorin continues to stroke my hair.

Pain wracks through my body but it eases slowly and I open my eyes breathing heavily to find Lilah with a small bundle in her arms and my mother with a second. Thorin kisses my cheek brushing the hair out of my face "You did so well my love." Lilah hands me her bundle grinning "Congratulations. Your both parents. They are both healthy, a boy and a girl." My mother hands Thorin the second bundle to Thorin cooing "They're both precious." I beam tears prickling at the corner of my eyes as the little girl in my arms starts wriggling big eyes staring up at me "I'll go get your brothers and father." 

I nod only half listening as Thorin perches on the bed next to me smiling gently "Do we have names yet?" we both look up at Lilah then at each other "Orna and Nero." she nods "I'll leave the two of you alone." I sniffle wiping my eyes "They look just like you my love." I chuckle leaning my head on his shoulder "Orna has your eyes." Orna has deep blue eyes and little wisps of light blond hair while Nero has darker hair and lighter eyes. Both have delicately curved ears. They are the perfect mix of both of us. 

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