Final goodbyes

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In the morning we have a pleasant breakfast with Bilbo before heading back the the green dragon spending one evening their before leaving early heading back to Erabor by a small portal, flying is too dangerous with five children. Luckily with the main portal open magic is stronger allowing such things.

Final preparations are already underway, at the insistence of Dis, Fili and Kili, a farewell party is being thrown before we return to Calcite. Dis insists that we can't help in anyway and banishes us to our room which is practically empty most of our belongings now in Calcite. "Are you sure about this?" Thorin smiles wrapping his arms around my waist "My love I would have it no other way. I get to spend the rest of time with you and our beautifully family. I will miss my sister and nephews certainly, but they will be fine. Kili will be a good ruler. Do not worry love, I promise this is what I want."

I nod slightly breathing in deeply and relaxing into his arms "I love you Thorin Oakenshield and can't believe I am lucky enough to have found you." he chuckles kissing me sweetly "I love you more my dear. You have blessed me with an amazing family." Both of us pull apart after a minute starting to get ready for the farewell party, both of us wear blue, gold and silver the colours of both our families. 

We both agreed the children are too young to be exposed to a room full of drinking humans, dwarves and elves so they are staying with a few of the elderly dwarves who didn't not want to attend tonight. Thorin walks up behind me placing my tiara on my head tucking a stray piece of hair back into its braid "You outshine even the brightest stars with your beauty my love." I stand straightening his crown which has tipped sideways "I love you Thorin Oakenshield more than words can express." 

He takes my hand in his and we walk towards the great hall pausing in the entrance to fully take in the room. Bedecked in bunting and shining ornaments the room is packed with people of all races "I thought Dis said it was going to be a small gathering?" Thorin sighs shrugging slightly "I never believed her for a moment."

The party lasts all night dancing, drinking and laughing. I loose Thorin at some point and end up with Thrandruil and Elrond in a far corner, I hug them both and thank them for everything they have done also promising to come and visit if I can. Gandalf appears at some point and I hug him as well making him swear to keep an eye on things especially Bilbo. Slowly people start to leave till only the original company, Dis, Bard and his children and Gandalf are left. I hug Bard, Sigrid, Tilda and Bain wiping the tears from Tilda's face. "I'm going to miss you all." she sniffs and I hand her a small silver bracelet with a dragon charm "Something to remember me by?" she takes it giving me a watery smile. Giving them all another hug I turn to the company letting Thorin do most of the talking not really knowing what to say to them.

Giving them all hugs I pause at Fili and Kili hugging them longer than the rest "You too stay out of trouble." they nod and I kiss them both on the forehead before turning to Dis "Thank you for everything I think that's all I can really say." she grins hugging me tightly "Thank you for looking after my sons." We pull apart and I walk over to Thorin taking his hand in mine "Good luck and if you ever need help Calcite won't hesitate to do so." 

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