We need weapons

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Thorin P/O/V:

Elysian seems to know Bard and his family well and spends most of the time talking to the two girls. The youngest obviously admires her greatly and she treats them kindly and smiles happily. After eating the stew and apple pastry things Elysian disappears into one of the bedrooms with the two girls, she starts telling them a story and I sit on the floor by Balin and sigh "We need better weapons." he nods "I know." Elysian appears and smiles warmly before walking over to the window "It's a shame all of the guards weapons are kept in a poorly guarded building. Anyone could steal them. Not very safe. Especially early morning when the guards are half asleep."

Balin smiles and I stand "What are you saying?" she shrugs "I didn't say anything I have no idea where you went." I smile slightly at her and she sits on the window seat. I sit opposite her "What did Thrandruil do to you?" she smiles "I already told you." I shake my head "You seemed to know the blond elf." she nods slightly "Thrandruils son, Legolas. I used to be quite close with them both. But it seems the darkness has spread into the kings mind. Striker has always been good with infiltrating peoples minds planting a seed of darkness."

I nod slightly but don't say anything. "You should sleep," she smiles "It sound's like you'll be having an early morning." I chuckle and stand "Good night Elysian." she smiles warmly leaning her head against the window "Good night Thorin." I walk back over to Balin and slide down the wall. He grins at me "What?" he smiles knowingly but says nothing. Frowning slightly I close my eyes and fall asleep.

 "Thorin." someone shakes my shoulder "Thorin." I scowl and look at Balin blearily "What time is it?" he smiles "A few hours till sunrise." I nod and stand tying the elvish sword and our only weapon to my waist. The others all creep out of the house and I glance over at Elysian who is still leaning against the window before leaving. 

Elysian P/O/V:

I hear the dwarves waking and pretend to be asleep closing my eyes and leaning on the window. They all leave almost silently and once the door has shut I look up and survey the empty room. Bard and his family are all asleep with the doors shut. I sigh and stand stretching trying to clear my head of the pictures that keep flashing through it. I run my hand through my hair and leave it loose around my shoulders. Scowling I start pacing removing my armor and weapons laying them carefully on the window seat. I leave one small dagger in my boot before resuming my pacing.

Loosing track of time I don't notice that the sun has started to rise until Bard walks into the room stretching "Good morning." I smile and he looks around "Where are the dwarves?" I shrug slightly "I don't know. They left early this morning." he nods and yawns "I have to go down to the market." I nod and smile "I'll stay with the children." he smiles "Thank you." I nod and he pulls on his coat before walking outside. Walking into the kitchen I prepare breakfast and leave it out on the table. 

A loud bell begins to toll and Bain and Sigrid come running into the room "Where's da?" I smile "He went to the market." I sigh "What does that bell mean?" Bain frowns "Someone has been arrested." I nod and frown "Obviously the dwarves aren't very stealthy." Tilda comes walking into the room rubbing her eyes "What time is it?" I smile and pick her up "It is early. But breakfast is ready if you want it." she grins "Pancakes?" I chuckle and nod "Of course." she smiles and runs to the table climbing into one the seats. 

The other two sit as well and eat happily. I start putting my armor back on and securing my weapons back in their rightful places. Once the three of them have finished eating I take the empty plates to the kitchen, washing and drying them by magic. I put everything away and Tilda skips over "Are you going to stay?" I smile and crouch down in-front of her "I'm afraid I have to go and check on the dwarves but you know I always return."

She nods and the door fly's open. "Bard?" he scowls "Those dwarves are going to get everyone killed." I smile and walk over "What happened?" he scowls "The master of town welcomed the dwarves. They offered him riches. They can not return to the mountain if the dragon is to re-awake..." he trails of and I take his hand squeezing it lightly "Bard it is there birth right, there home." he nods still scowling slightly "It is still dangerous." I nod and sigh "Where are they?" "The master's home for now."

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