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The next morning I lead Bilbo down to the clearing where Ash is waiting bathing in the sun. "We're flying?" I nod Ash bounding over and sniffing Bilbo happily "I assure you it is perfectly safe and much faster and comfier than riding." he nods slightly and I secure our bags "You had best sit in front and hold onto the saddle."

He clambers on and I help attach the safety harness before sitting behind "Alright Ash no fancy moves." she growls lowly and Bilbo freezes so I pat his shoulder reassuringly "She was just agreeing do not worry." Ash wiggles slightly before launching her self into the sky and gliding towards Erabor.

Bilbo spends the whole time tense and wide eyed. "You can relax you know." He shakes his head slightly staring straight ahead "Ash fly a little lower." She swoops down gracefully talons scraping the surface of a mountain lake but Bilbo relaxes slightly. "You should of said you didn't like heights."

He chuckles shakily "I have no problem with heights, however flying I'm not overly keen on." I laugh "Its not for everyone. I'll arrange something else for your return journey." Ash skims over the lake as Lake Town comes into view looking all polished and clean after its rebuild. The mountain towers in front of us as Ash flaps to a halt in front of the main gates two dwarves walking forward uneasily helping Bilbo with his belongings.

Thorin arrives with Balin beaming "Bilbo Baggins. How wonderful to see you again." the two embrace "Balin will show you to your room. I apologize for the brief encounter but I have several things to attend to. Elysian." I smile turning to Ash "Thank you," she takes of and I turn back to Bilbo "I'll see you later Master Hobbit." I move to Thorin's side looping my arm through his "What matters are these?" he chuckles "Your mother has some more wedding matters for us to attend to." 

I laugh "Of course she does." we find her and Dis in one of the rooms adjoining the throne room fussing over table settings. "Elysian, Thorin. Thank goodness. We need to finalize seating arrangements, place settings and center pieces." I inwardly sigh gripping Thorin's hand "Of course." Thorin chuckles quietly "How can we be of service?" After helping them settle everything and looking over the finalized guest list we are finally free to leave. "You know I would have been perfectly happy with a small ceremony then a quite week away."

Thorin chuckles "I am afraid our families would never allow such a thing." I giggle "I know. I can't wait to show you Calcite, its beautiful." he grins "I look forward to it my dear." We walk hand in hand to the small dinning room used only by the royal family and close friends where the original company have all gathered including "Gandalf." he chuckles standing "Elysian my dear it is a pleasure to see you." I give him a hug "You as well old friend." Thorin grins shaking his hand "Was wondering when you would show up." Gandalf chuckles "You did invite me." The three of us sit down laughing heartily when the dwarves start up a rendition of 'blunt the knives' much to Bilbo's enjoyment as it is not his crockery. 

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