Master of lake town

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I pull up my hood and shove my hands in my pockets walking through lake town avoiding the stares of the surrounding people. I walk up to the masters house and knock on the door. It opens slowly to reveal the slimy man from the docks "How can I help you sir?" I smile and push back my hood smiling sweetly "I'm hear to see the dwarves." he grins "Well so are a lot of people beat it."

I sigh and draw one of my daggers twirling it around in my fingers "I don't think I was clear enough, I would like to see the dwarves." he winces and bows his head slightly "Follow me." I smile "Thank you." he nods and I follow him into the house. He leads me through some damp hallways to a pair of large double doors. "The dwarves are in here." 

He pushes open the door and walks inside "Master sorry for the disturbance, this elf requested a meeting with the dwarves." I scowl but decide not to correct him on the mistake. The master is a large man with greasy orange hair and is wearing furs and expensive looking fabrics. "I told you not to admit anyone." the man bows low "She was very persuasive." 

Thorin smiles slightly "She is with us." The Master nods slightly "Alfrid leave us. I'm sorry for the cold welcome my dear." I smile tightly "Don't worry about it." he nods sweeping his arms towards the large table where they are all seated "Join us." I sit awkwardly in the seat next to him and opposite Fili. "Tell me how did an elf end up in the company of dwarves?" 

Grinning I reveal my teeth "I am not an elf." he shrinks back in his seat "Apologies I meant no offense." I smile slightly but say nothing. The master turns back to Thorin "How long do you plan on staying with us?" he shrugs "A week at the least. We need rest and supplies." the master twitches obviously uncomfortable with the the idea but nods "Of course, you are welcome to stay and you will pay us handsomely." Thorin nods "The wealth of the mountain shall be shared." 

He takes a long drink from a goblet and clears his throat "There is a place you can stay on the edge of town, everything you need. But of course it will all come at a price." Balin sighs "We will of course repay you for your kindness." the master nods content and calls "Alfrid!" the doors opens and the man walks inside bowing low "Yes master?" he points at Thorin "Take our guests to the house on the edge of town, they will be staying with us for a little while."

Frowning slightly he nods obviously annoyed by the task "Of course Master." the dwarves stand and I go to follow but the master grabs my arm "Stay a moment?" I nod staring at his hand disgusted "You are welcome to stay here, such a pretty thing." I scowl pulling my arm away "I would rather stay with my companions thank you." he smiles running his eyes up and down my body "Such a shame, but you will join us for dinner tonight." I nod slightly and go to leave.

He whispers under his breath "Such a shame hiding under all that armor." I scowl and turn raising my hand fire swirling around my fingers "Ever talk to me like that again and I will burn you where you stand." he nods looking frightened and I walk out the room and catch up with the dwarves. Pulling up my hood I scowl at Alfrid as he leads us through the streets towards a large house, run down but not to bad.

"You'll be staying here." Thorin smiles slightly "Thank you." he nods "Of course, of course. Anything for the king under the mountain." he scurries away and the dwarves walk into the building looking around. I follow slowly removing my hood as I step inside. Thorin walks over "Are you alright?" I nod managing a small smile "I'm fine thank you." he frowns staring me in the eyes "No your not." sighing I sit in one of the chairs in the room "The master of lake town has vile thoughts." he scowls sitting opposite me "What did he say to you?" I shrug taking of my bow, quiver and hunting daggers "Nothing of importance."

"Did he hurt you?" I smile "Thorin I assure you I am fine." he glares at me "I want to know what he said to you." I shake my head "Thorin it's nothing I promise." he stands nodding slightly before walking away. Fili and Kili walk over grinning from ear to ear "What did our Uncle want?" I smile at them "Why do you want to know?" they smile at each other knowingly before turning back to me, Kili smiles "We have developed a theory." Fili nods "Which we plan on testing." the two of them walk away leaving me confused.

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