Meeting and payment

978 23 2

Elysian P/O/V:

I hug Bard and crouch down grinning when Tilda and Sigrid run into the tent hugging them both tightly. "Ely, there are more people that look like you here." I nod slightly smiling "Yes, they are all Majda like me." Tilda gasps "Are you leaving?" I shake my head "No I'm staying." she nods and they both leave being ushered out by their father. I walk back over to Thorin sitting by his side, he takes a wooden box out of his pocket and hands it over to Thrandruil "I think it is time these where returned." Thrandruil opens the box slowly a small smile gracing his features "Thank you."

Thorin nods turning to Bard "What ever gold you need to re-build what was destroyed you can have. And I think Dale should be re-built as well, it was once a beautiful place." Bard nods smiling gently "Thank you, that is very kind." Thorin nods slightly "I know I have no right to ask this of you but if you can help any of my people through Mirkwood." Thrandruil nods "I owe Elysian a great debt, your people will have safe passage through Mirkwood." I smile slightly and Ranon raises an eyebrow "Do I want to know?" I shake my head slightly and Attar grins "Now I'm interested."

I sigh "Really it doesn't matter." Thorin squeezes my hand gently under the table before turning back to Thrandruil and Bard talking about plans of re-building under the mountain, Lake Town and Dale. Aedion smiles slightly "We'll be happy to help with all the re-building as well." I grin at him "You don't have much of a choice." he chuckles and Ranon grins "I'm sure out parents will be thrilled to find out you would rather re-build a mountain than come home." I glare at him "That is not the reason I am staying although I would love to see our mother when you tell her about you and Aedion. How long have you been hiding your relationship?"

He glares slightly and Attar lets out a snort of laughter but attempts to cover it with a cough. Thrandruil and Bard both look between us amused but stay silent. Ranon grins crossing his arms "Are you going to tell them about Thorin?" I nod slightly "But only if he wants to." I turn to him smiling and he chuckles softly "I'm staying out of this." Thrandruil stands "As amusing as this is, I need to talk to my son." Bard nods also standing "I will relay the information to the rest of the town. I expect I'll be seeing you again soon." they both leave and Aedion stands "I'd better go and check that everyone's ready to go back." he kisses Ranon gently before leaving. 

Thorin smiles slightly "I should get back to the mountain." Ranon stands "I'm going to help Aedion with the soldiers." Attar nods "I'll come as well. See you later." I stand and hug them both tightly. Thorin stands grinning "I like seeing you so happy. Your eyes light up and crinkle slightly at the sides." I feel my face heating up slightly and push my hair behind my ear kissing him gently while running my fingers through his hair tracing his braid "I love you Thorin Oakenshield." he grins cupping my face "I love you to Elysian Theron." 

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