Dragon fire

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I fall through the portal landing on a cold stone floor. The portal seals itself almost instantly leaving nothing but a smooth stone doorway with small intricate symbols around it. I stand and look around at my surroundings. I am in a small cave the sounds of screams and crying echoing around the small space.

Reading the inscription above the portal I find I am in Middle Earth. I pull up my hood and run towards the cave entrance stumbling slightly as the walls shake and rocks crumble onto the floor. I frown I know that sound. Dragon! But it does not sound like the dragons at home this is one of the serpents of the North they cannot be reasoned with or trained.

I run faster and emerge in bright sunlight on a large stretch of open land. The Dragon is circling around a city while the people run from the fire that is burning everything in its path. I look around trying to work where I am when I notice the dwarf city. Erabor. From the books I've read there is a large fortune under that mountain and the Dragon has claimed it.

There are dwarves streaming out the Mountain many of them injured. I run towards them a certain dark haired dwarf catches my eye he is yelling for help. I turn to where he is looking an army of elves is standing their watching. The elves turn away and the dwarf turns around looking defeated. I meet his eyes for a moment before turning and running for the Mountain and inside knowing there will be dwarves trapped inside. 

I keep to the shadows clearing paths to the exit and blocking of cave ins and rooms of fire. Further and further into the Mountain I run directing any stragglers to the exit. Any who are injured I heal as quick as I can before sending them in there way. Many of the dwarves give me strange looks or ask me who i am but I don't answer just send them to safety. I stop for a moment and block out the dragons roars focusing on the sounds in the mountain. Everything is silent except for two small whimpers.

I follow the noise and find two young dwarves huddled together in a small alcove. I push back my hood and smile kindly "Hello I'm Elysian I'm here to help you. Are either of you hurt?" They both shake their heads and one asks "Where's our mother?" I smile slightly " I'll help you find her." I hold out my arms " I'll have to carry you." Slowly they both move towards me and I stand running for the exit trying to ignore the sounds of the Dragon or cracking stone.

The exit comes into view and I run through skidding to a halt as a large stone falls blocking the way. I put the two dwarves down and pull my hood back up. A female dwarf runs over yelling hysterically as she embraces the two young dwarfs. The other dwarfs have mostly disappeared save for a few who are all walking in the same direction. Feeling that the dwarves are safe for now I teleport to Dale and start putting out the flames.

All the people have disappeared save for the few who did not survive the Dragon fire. I frown today has not been a good day. Slowly I walk through the ruined streets trying to use my magic to contact my family but it doesn't work. I didn't expect it to but I had to try. Scowling and tired I teleport back to where the portal is already feeling my magic weakening. I sigh without the portal I can't reach all my magic. I stare at the portal blankly knowing that I can do nothing but wait and hope that my family is okay.

I sit and lean against the wall opposite the portal letting the tears fall down my face. I wounded how many soldiers died, how many lives where lost, if my parents are alright and where did my brother's end up? I wipe my face and lean my head debating what to do. Sleep first then tomorrow I'll work it out.

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