True form

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I glance over at the dwarfs before shedding my bow and quiver and running to the entrance diving down into my magic. I feel it consuming me flowing through every muscle and bone. Jumping from the top of a large rock I let the shift take over my true form taking over. (A/N Elysian's true form looks something like this in my head)

 (A/N Elysian's true form looks something like this in my head)

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I grin and zero in on Smaug as he circles around Lake Town. I slam into his side causing the jet of flame to hit the water instead of the town. Letting out a growl of annoyance he turns to me Who are you? I grin baring my teeth You should never have come to Erabor. 

He lunges forward so I duck swooping under him. He tries to light the town on fire again but I knock him of course again. While trying to distract Smaug from torching Lake Town I send a tendril of magic out searching for Bard.


What the?

It's Elysian, don't freak out.

Why are you in my head?

The black arrow, you need to shoot Smaug I can only do so much you have to kill him.

Your the other dragon?


I've got it, hang on.

I pull my magic back and growl in pain when one of Smaug's claws digs into my shoulder. You think you can beat me little one? I grin circling around him sending a jet of flame towards his face. It just grazes his cheek and he lets out a horrid screeching noise  before lunging forward mouth wide open. Ducking underneath him once more I turn so I can see under him. I spot a chink in his scales and turn once more arcing over his top. 

I know I can beat you just not by myself. He chuckles There are no more of you. Prepare to die. I raise my claws blocking his and wince at the impact , Bard appears on a tower behind us arrow in hand. There is a chink in his armor just at the end of his neck. Bard gives a small nod of understanding, this time when Smaug lunges forward I dive down forcing him to turn exposing his neck. The twang of a string echoes through the air followed by the sickening thud of it finding its mark. 

Smaug bellows jets of flame shooting from his mouth as he falls screeching. It hits the masters house and a few of the buildings spreading awfully quickly for a town built on water. Smaug hits the water with a mighty splash a wave of water coming up covering part of the town. I douse the rest of the flames feeling my magic draining slightly. Groaning I turn and fly back to the mountain landing clumsily just outside before shifting back.

Apart from several nasty looking bruises and a large scratch on my shoulder I can't see any serious injuries. Wrapping the scratch I sit heavily on a boulder taking deep breaths while my magic sweeps through my body slowly replenishing itself and gradually healing my injuries. "Elysian." I turn and smile softly "Hey." Thorin stumbles over and I wrap my arms around him tightly. "That was reckless. You could have been killed. When you jumped out the doorway I didn't..."he tails I of and I whisper into his hair "I'm sorry." he pulls away slightly "I'm just glad your okay." I smile "Just tired." he nods "Your true form is a dragon?" I grin letting a small flame dance in my eyes "Surprise." he chuckles and leans forward kissing me gently "Lets get you inside the others are waiting."

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