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Saeya hands me a pair of shoes that I slip on and she hands me a small silver tiara and I raise an eyebrow "Really?" she nods and I sigh placing it on my head. I start looking around for my sword but she grabs my arm and pulls me out the door "No weapons for you, come on." I sigh but follow her through to the dinning pavilion. The dwarves are already seated and complaining about the lack of meat. I smile and sit at the main table next to Saeya and Lord Elrond. Gandalf smiles warmly "I was wondering when you two would be reunited." I smile and serve myself some food.

Thorin P/O/V:

I watch as Elysian walks out onto the pavilion with a female elf. She is wearing a blue dress with a low front and back. When she turns to sit down I can see the top of her dragon tattoo flames licking up her shoulders. When she sits I notice that the flames from her back come around onto her shoulders blades. Realizing that I am staring I glare down at the table. 

Gandalf smiles slightly "Thorin why don't you show Lord Elrond the sword you found in the troll cave." I nod curtly and hand it over slowly not really wanting to. He examines the blade and I watch Elysian who is smiling as her friend whispers something in her ear. "This is a very interesting blade, where did you find them?" Gandalf smiles "In a troll cave not far from here." he nods slightly and Elysian smiles "That reminds me, Have any of my kind passed through here recently?" I look at her confused, she said she was the only one here, the lord elf nods slightly "A soldier did pass through perhaps five years ago. He said he got sent here to kill a man called Striker. That is the only Majda I have seen except yourself."

She nods her face blank "What was the soldiers name?" "Corbin Andler I believe." she nods slightly visibly tensing up "Did he mention anything about Striker?" the male elf shakes his head "Sorry he did not." she nods and stands "Excuse me." she leaves the female elf following close behind her. I watch her leave and Gandalf clears his throat slightly "Thorin Lord Elrond could be of some help with this quest..." I shake my head glaring at him "I will not." he sighs "Thorin you need all the help you can get, Lord Elrond has graciously let you enter his home you should at least show him the map."

I pick up my sword and stand growling out "Thank you for dinner." before stalking away leaving the others to their food. I walk towards the room I was given but pause when I hear crying from down the corridor. I follow the noise curious and look around the corner to find Elysian leaning against the wall a sword in her hands. The female elf is not with her and I debate what to do. Deciding I want answers and that I owe her after saving my nephews I walk towards her.

"Elysian?" she turns and wipes her face "Your highness." I smile slightly "Thorin is fine." she nods and turns away so that her hair hides her face "Who does the sword belong to? It is not yours." she holds it up examining the hilt "This belonged to Sir Andler a brave warrior of Calcite. He was a friend of mine." I nod slightly "Where you close?" she smiles slightly "I was good friends with all of the soldiers but it hurts to know that one of my own was so close and I didn't know." I nod slightly "How did you get stuck here?" she sighs "I told you I got sucked through a portal to protect a crystal." 

"What crystal?" she smiles "I am afraid I can not tell you that." I scowl "Your answers are very vague." she sighs "Please believe they are for your own protection." I frown "I want a straight answer. Why are you the one protecting the crystal?" she smiles slightly "Because it is my duty to protect the light of my people." I continue to scowl at her "That was not a straight answer." she smiles "One day I will tell you but for now please be satisfied with what I have told you." I nod once "Who is Striker?" she visibly shudders "He is an enemy of Calcite, he killed many of friends and separated me from my family. I do not know why lives and who dies." she clears her throat and bows her head "Good night Thorin Oakenshield." 

She turns and walks away. I stand for a moment debating what she told me. She doesn't seem to be lying but she is definitely hiding something.

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