Council meeting

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"What is troubling you love?" I turn in my chair smiling faintly at Thorin "One of your council members came to talk to me today." he stands "What did they say to you?" I sigh not wanting to add to his burdens, he already looks exhausted "Nothing important." I finish removing my various earrings and shrug of my jacket before moving over to the bed taking his hand in mine "How was your day?"

He groans "I had three meetings and must have read through a hundred letters and proclamations. But tomorrow I'm having the whole afternoon of, damn the consequences and I'm spending it all with you." I laugh fiddling with a bit of his hair "That makes me sound like a bad influence." he shrugs kissing the palm of my hand "You can blame it all on me. What would you like to do?" I lean closer kissing him gently "I don't mine, just spending time with you will be perfect."

Standing I pull back the duvet and slide into bed next to him leaning my head on his chest "I love you Thorin." he chuckles running his fingers through my hair "I love you too." Closing my eyes I drift into a light sleep enjoying the peacefulness. Waking early I decide not to move not wanting to disturb Thorin so I close my eyes imagining the palace on Calcite and flying over the shimmering waters of the sea sometimes with dolphins leaping along side.

Thorin lets out a grunt before shifting around, turning my head slightly I smile "Good morning." he chuckles "Morning love, did you sleep?" I giggle moving so I can kiss his cheek "I slept very well thank you." he groans and sits up "I have a council meeting after breakfast but I'm leaving after that. Will you meet me in the entrance hall at noon?" I nod smiling brightly "Of course." he stands walking into the bathing chamber. I stretch and walk over to my vanity table begin to put my piercings back in as well as a ornate silver comb shaped to look like wings in my hair to keep it up out my face. Thorin emerges with damp hair holding out his courting bead "Can you redo it, it was too lose." 

I take the bead swiveling around in my chair weaving his hair into a small braid sealing the bead with magic smiling softly "Now it can't come undone unless you or I take out the bead." he chuckles cupping my face in his hands gently, leaning down he presses his lips to mine. Grinning I hand him his coat brushing a hand down the fur "You look very regal when you wear this." he chuckles pulling it on "I feel ridiculous." I shrug slightly "If it helps you look very dashing." the side of his mouth crooks up in a slight smile "Thank you love, I'll see you at noon, don't be late." I roll my eyes slightly "I won't be. Now go before your late for your meeting and please eat something." he bows his head "Of course my Queen." laughing I watch him leave before standing and changing into a pair of loose trousers and a white shirt. Tying my sword belt around my waist I head to the training grounds.

Thorin P/O/V:

I sigh frowning at the table as the group of assembled lords and nobles, the remains of my grandfathers court, all of them are elderly and the only two I actually consider friends are Oin and Balin. I have considered several times just replacing all of them with dwarves I know and trust but I fear I would lose the trust and respect of my people. They need a leader who seems strong and with a council who seeks to keep Erabor thriving and bring it back to its former glory.

Scratching my forehead I sigh "Enough." the room falls silent "Dale and Laketown will continue to receive our aid. They assisted in re-claiming this mountain and the least we can do is help rebuild the towns." One of the lords, Corbin I think, leans forward "The gold in this mountain belongs to the dwarves." I frown "Dale was once a thriving city full of wealth, we would not have half the gold in this mountain without them. We have plenty to spare, I am not my grandfather and wish to create a better Erabor that is not seen for its greed or selfishness." another lord snorts mumbling something under his breath.

Balin frowns "What was that Lord Wain?" the dwarf glances over "He is certainly not his grandfather, he would never bed an elf." I clench my fists around the arms on my chair the wood groaning slightly, I give the Lord a cold glare "I suggest Lord Wain you show Miss Theron some respect. Her family is not to be messed with." he snorts "What family? Those mythical elves that could change forms that legibly turned up to fight then disappeared." Balin frowns "You know that is not true, they Majda helped make this mountain livable. You know the stories just as well as I do." 

Several of them laugh Wain the loudest "You don't really believe those fairy tails?" my temper starts to fray "Lord Wain if you wish to remain on this council I suggest you stop talking." he leans back in his chair frowning while the room falls silent.

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