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I stalk back to my room and change out of my current clothes into a clean shirt and trousers, the shirt is slightly to small but it's clean. I lay back on the bed trying to sleep but can't get what Elysian said about her family out of my head. I scowl, why do I care? Giving up I stand and walk out the room and outside. I frown and lean against a low wall looking out over a river trying to clear my head. Why can't I get her out of my head? I should be concentrating on my quest and re-claiming my home, not thinking about a girl who turned up out of the blue to help us. 

Although there is something about her that is familiar. Scowling I don't notice someone standing next to me "Thorin?" I jump slightly and turn to find Elysian standing  next to me "Are you alright?" I nod slightly watching the moonlight glinting of her hair "Thorin, your staring at something are you sure your okay?" I turn away from her "I'm fine." she smiles leaning against the wall next to me "Something is troubling you."

I sigh "Just a lot on my mind." she smiles "Can I help?" I sigh "I just want answers. You won't tell us anything and you expect us to trust you." she frowns "We've met once before master dwarf," I look at her confused "You were calling the elves of Mirkwood for help, but Thrandruil would not risk the lives of his own for a few dwarves. You turned and just for a second I looked you in the eye. I ran into the mountain and helped everyone I found escape. On the same day I also lost my family, my friends and my home."

"You where the cloaked shadow?" she nods slightly "Why did you help them?" she smiles "Because all of them were innocent people, all of them had families and people who cared about them. I could not leave them to die knowing I could help them. I lost my family but they could still find theirs. Your nephews care for you greatly and you for them imagine not knowing if they were dead or alive." I frown turning to face her "Who did you loose?" she stares blankly ahead of her "My parents and my two little brothers Ranon and Attar." I stare at the tattoo on her arm "I know very little of Calcite, only what Balin has told me. The three royal children they were called Ranon, Attar and..." 

She smiles sadly and I continue to stare at her "Your a princess?" she nods slightly a small smile appearing on her face "Your not the first person to look so shocked." I scowl "Why didn't you tell us?" she lets out a long breath "Because Striker is ruthless and will do anything and hurt anyone to get to me and the crystal. The less you knew the safer you where. You and your company have enough to deal with as it is, you didn't need my problems added to it." I look at her confused "So why are you telling me all of this?" she shrugs "I don't know but something is telling me it is right and that you deserve to know the truth."

I nod slightly and she turns "Please promise not to tell the others, I don't want any of you to get hurt and if Striker finds out I was travelling with you it would not be pretty." I stare her in the eyes trying to find any hint of lying. "I promise." I find the words tumbling from my lips before I make a full decision. She smiles warmly "Good night Thorin Oakenshield."

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