Where is she?

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Ranon P/O/V:

I sigh and stare at the maps spread out in-front of me. We've checked every where the portals have allowed. We've manged to fix sixteen of the twenty portals but Albion, Erilea, Norta and Middle Earth are still unavailable and we still haven't found Elysian. I collapse into one of the high backed seats at the table and run a hand through my hair. Where is she? 

The door opens and Attar walks in followed by our parents. Attar walks over and wraps an arm around my shoulders "We're going to find her big brother." I nod and my mother smiles "You know we're doing all we can. She only did as she was meant to do to protect the crystal of our people." I nod "I know." my father smiles "You know where ever she is she's going to be fine." Attar chuckles and I grin "I feel sorry for who ever has to deal with her." the door opens and the captain of the guard, Aedion, walks in bowing low. "Your majesty's, sorry to disturb you. But we have a lead on Striker."

I sit up straight and Attar pulls away stepping closer "What have you heard?" he frowns slightly "He was last spotted in Albion and was travelling towards Alynthia." father nods slightly "Thank you, is there any idea of where he is headed?" he shakes his head "No sorry but if there is any news I will report to you immediately." mother smiles "Thank you Aedion, any sign of her?" he shakes his head "No but we've nearly fixed the Norta portal." father nods "Thank you." he nods and walks out the room, Attar follows.

Mother walks over and I stand wrapping my arms around her gently "How long till we catch him?" she sighs "I hope it's soon. He has many innocent lives to pay for." father nods and smiles grimly "We'll catch him and find our daughter." mother pulls away and walks over to the window staring out over the kingdom "Every thing looks as it was." father smiles "Re-building has certainly gone well." I bow my head slightly "I'll leave you be." they smile and I walk over to the door opening it and slipping out into the corridor.

My dragon Blaise waddles over butting me lightly with her head. (A/N dragons are about the size of the ones in how to train your dragon, similar to toothless.) "Hey boy." he smiles and I crouch down leaning my head against his "How's Ash, she eating still?" he growls slightly and I nod "We all miss her." I stand and walk outside onto one of the balcony's leaning against the railing. "Ranon?" I turn smiling "Hey Aedion." he walks over and I wrap my arms around his waist kissing him gently "How are you?" he shrugs "Better now I'm with you." 

I grin blushing slightly "That was cheesy." he shrugs and I sigh pulling him close "I'm glad all the fighting is all over." he nods "And I'm glad I found out you were mine." I grin and kiss him again "That makes two of us." We stand in a comfortable silence for a while then he asks "What do you think will happen when we catch Striker?" I sigh "I don't know. Just as long as Elysian comes back home." 

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