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"Are you sure your alright?" I smile sitting on the edge of the bed while slowing taking my hair out of its braid "I'm fine I promise." he stands in front gently cupping my face and kissing me lightly "You look radiant by the way." I chuckle placing a hand on my growing stomach now used to the slight kicks. "Only four more months then we will officially be parents." 

Thorin kneels pressing a kiss to my stomach "I'm going to love our babies as much as you my dear." he presses his forehead forward gently humming softly while I fiddle with his hair "I'm going to abdicate the throne on the next blue moon. Its five years away, but that gives me time to coach Fili. I love Erabor but I want to stay with you and our children. We can visit I know that but I think we... I would be happier if I were with you in Calcite. I know you won't admit it but you miss your family and life there." 

My hand stops its movements as he looks up love shinning in his eyes "Are you sure that's what you want to do?" he nods standing "I'm certain." leaning against his chest I sigh contently "Sounds perfect my king." he chuckles pressing his lips to my forehead "My queen."

Two weeks later I pack the remainder of my things with the help of Dis and Kili and follow them to the main entrance getting quite a shock when a familiar hobbit is standing there. "Bilbo." he turns grinning "Ely, woah. Congratulations. Sorry I couldn't be here sooner I've been taking care of my nephew. Gandalf is taking care of him a few days so I could come and visit. I had no idea you were leaving but I've loved all your letters. Did you get my replies?" 

I nod "Of course, I'm afraid I won't be able to write while in Calcite but I will when I return." he nods and rushes forward to give me a hug chuckling when the babies start kicking "I wish I could stay but my mother is expecting me. She'll probably send a search party if I'm late." he chuckles giving me another hug "It was wonderful to see you again."
"You as well. Thorin is in a meeting but he will be out shortly." Dis leads the way along with two guards.

I activate the portal and give Dis another hug "Thank you for helping with everything so far." she nods "Of course. I hope everything goes okay." I smile picking up my bags "See you soon." I step through the portal finding my mother waiting on the other side with Lilah and my brothers. Ranon and Attar run forward pulling me into a group hug "Look how much you've grown." I punch Attar's arm gently as they take my bags from me. 

My mother skips forward pulling me into her arms beaming "Oh my baby look at you. How are you feeling? Have you had any discomfort? Did you get the tonics I sent? Did you thank Lord Elrond for his tonics?" I laugh "I feel fine thank you, no discomfort. I did get the tonics thank you and yes I thanked Elrond they helped a lot."

Lilah steps forward kissing me on either cheek "Wonderful to see you again my dear. Come, come I wish to do a quick check up before anything else." I follow her to the hospital room bumping into Ash on the way stroking her head. She waddles alongside nudging me gently and sniffing at my stomach. "I think she can sense the babies moving." 

She helps me onto one of the beds and Ash lays on the floor next to me her head laying gently next to my stomach nose pressed against it. Lilah drifts around bringing over a scanner and screen "Alright, Ash dear please move slightly. Thank you." As soon as Lilah has done Ash moves her nose back huffing warm air against my swollen belly. "Alright everything looks great. Both are healthy and growing well. Just take things easy, no big exercise and eat continue with the same diet although you may start craving certain things soon but don't worry that's normal."

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