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Thorin P/O/V:

Groaning I sit up and stretch willing my aching muscles to move. There's a loud knock at the door and I sigh going to answer. Balin smiles "Sorry to wake you, your majesty. But there's some people who I think you would like to see." I chuckle "Balin you are one of oldest friends. Just Thorin is fine." he nods "Well Just Thorin you might want to put some proper clothes on." I nod "I'll meet you in the main entrance." he bows and disappears, closing the door I change hastily into a dark blue tunic and after hunting around for my boots walk towards the main hall.

 Elysian and her two brothers are standing near the broken entrance laughing at something or other. I walk forward and Elysian beams sending warmth flooding through me, she runs forward wrapping her arms around my neck pressing a light kiss to my cheek. I grin "You missed." she laughs and presses our lips together gently running her fingers through my hair. "I love you Thorin Oakenshield." I smile gently cupping her face "I love you too Elysian Theron." reluctantly we pull apart. Ranon smiles slightly "King Thrandruil has arranged a meeting at noon if you are able to attend." I nod taking Elysian's hand in mine. "Of course, thank you."

Balin appears my nephews and Bilbo in tow. Fili and Kili both run to Elysian hugging her and grinning "Nice to see you again your majesty." Fili nods bowing "Wonderful to see you alive and not in dragon form." Elysian snorts out a laugh rolling her eyes "This is exactly why I didn't tell you who I really was." her brothers chuckle causing her to glare at them. Attar tilts his head slightly "I am curious how a hobbit ended up in your company. I always thought they where content to stay at home."

Bilbo smiles slightly "Bilbo Baggins at your service." I smile "He is our burglar." Bilbo chuckles softly and the two Majda don't look convinced but nod slightly "Pleasure to meet you Master Baggins." I turn to Elysian "Are you feeling alright?" she nods smiling "Are you? You took a couple of bad hits." I smile kissing the back of her hand "I'm fine my love, I promise." she smiles "I should probably change before the meeting." I nod and smile "Everything is still in your room." she smiles brightly and kisses my cheek once more "Keep an eye on my brothers for me." I chuckle "I already have enough with my nephews."

She laughs and kisses my cheek once more before leaving. I watch my nephews carefully as they talk animatedly with Ranon and Attar, Balin stands by my side "I never thought I'd meet a Majda in my life let alone an entire army of them." I chuckle softly "Well it sounds like your about to meet the entire royal family." he nods "Aye, we've got some cleaning to do. Enjoy your meeting." I nod slightly and Elysian reappears in a midnight blue tunic and black trousers and boots. I grin admiring her form "Ready to go?" she nods whistling loudly, her dragon appears landing near the entrance along with two others. 

Fili and Kili run over to them and I groan "Ely promise me something." she nods looking confused "Of course." I smile "Never let my nephews get a dragon. Their mother would kill me." she laughs kissing my temple gently "I promise, besides I don't think they would have the patience to earn one of their own." I chuckle and we walk over to the dragons, we fly over to Dale and land just outside Thrandruils tent. Gandalf, Thrandruil and Bard are already inside along with another Majda that I recognize from the day before.

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