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(Time skip ten years)

"Mama. Mama. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." I sigh stretching and sitting up to find Orna and Nero standing on the end of the bed "Come on." Orna grins "You promised to take us flying." I nod "I did promise. Go wait it the Aviary I'll be along shortly." they both jump down running out the room. Thorin groans slightly "What's going on?" I chuckle kissing his cheek "Go back to sleep love. I'm taking Orna and Nero flying." he nods smiling sleepily "Have fun love." 

Changing into my flying leathers I head to the Aviary finding Inari and Aldan in the library building a fort. Kissing them both on the forehead I leave them to it, Nero and Orna are both standing by Ash petting her head "Mama." I smile saddling Ash, although I don't usually its a lot safer for the twins. "Alright you both have to promise to behave." they both nod hastily promising. I climb up first lifting them both in front and instructing them to hold on tightly "Ash." she lets out a soft growl wriggling slightly before launching herself into the air gliding down towards the ocean. The twins whoop in delight as Ash swirls around dodging around rocks and skimming over the water. 

We land outside the palace were Thorin is standing with Ranon. The twins jump down and run inside to find their siblings. Laughing I kiss Thorin and hug Ranon "How you manage to deal with five I don't know." I shrug elbowing him in the side "Because we love all of them." Thorin smiles warmly "I was going to walk around the gardens, would you like to join me?" I grin taking his hand "I would love too." 

We walk in a comfortable silence simply enjoying each others company and the surroundings "I can't believe how lucky we are." I smile "And why is that my love?" he chuckles "I have an incredible wife who I love more than anything, a beautiful family and we don't have to worry about running a kingdom." I grin kissing him gently "Just us for Eternity." he runs a hand through my hair "Sounds perfect."

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