The shire

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(time skip two weeks)

With two weeks to go until the wedding guests have started to arrive and Erabor is quickly filling up. However there is one guest who I will be collecting in person. Ash is waiting by the main entrance with two bags containing my belongings and I am wearing my leather armor with my bow, quiver and sword strapped across my back.

Thorin sighs kissing me gently running his fingers through my hair "Stay safe love." I smile kissing him back "Always am love. I'll see in a couple of days." he nods smiling faintly before wrapping me a tight embrace "I love you." I grin "I love you too."

Clambering onto Ash's back I wave goodbye before taking off flying towards the Shire. I smile brightly the wind whipping through my hair. With Ash's speed we reach the borders of the shire by late afternoon. "Land just by those trees. Don't want to freak the hobbits out." Ash swoops down landing smoothly and stretching out on the ground. 

Chuckling I hop down swinging my bag onto my shoulders and pulling up my hood "I'll see you tomorrow. Stay out of trouble." she growls lightly and I roll my eyes "Yes hunting is allowed." Scratching her behind the ears I leave taking the road into the Shire. A few hobbits give me odd looks from their seats by their doors but none comment.

I reach the tavern, the green dragon, and step inside Mila skips over smiling brightly "How may I help you miss?" I push back my hood smiling "A room for the night please." she beams "Elysian oh its wonderful to see you again." I chuckle "I did promise I would return." she nods taking my bags before I can protest "You must tell me everything." I chuckle "I shall but later, first I must visit a friend."

She nods "Of coarse, of coarse. I will ready your room." I smile bowing my head "Thank you." she bustles away and I walk back outside leaving my hood down as I walk towards Bag end. The green door looks freshly painted the mark that once glowed long since faded. I knock and take a step back smiling warmly at Bilbo as he opens the door "Good afternoon Mr Baggins. I hope I am not interrupting." 

He beams stepping back "Of course not. Come in, come in. Its so wonderful to see you again. How is Thorin? How are you?" I chuckle ducking under the door and removing my weapons and cloak "I am excellent thank you. Thorin is also very well." he nods leading me through to the parlor "I got your wedding invitation. Thank you so much for coming in person. I know you must be very busy."

I smile "Never to be busy to see friends. It is wonderful to see you again. How have you been?" he lets out a long sigh launching into a long story about coming back to find all his belongings being auction and having to ask and buy everything back. But his acorn has sprouted and he is enjoying the comforts of home.

After many cups of tea and talking I take my leave and head back to the tavern where Maia is waiting patiently by the fire a plate of food and tankard next to her. I walk over sitting opposite "I hope you have not been waiting long?" she shakes her head "Oh not at all, work keeps me busy. Now tell me what you have been up to. I assume Mr Baggins come into it. Disappeared for a year and comes back with a box of treasure and a whole lot of stories." I chuckle and share my own tale. 

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