Happy suprises

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Lilah goes over several tests peppering me with questions about Middle Earth and Thorin. When the tests come back Lilah practically beams "Oh congratulations my friend. You are expecting twins. Both healthy." I smile slowly placing a hand over my stomach "I'm pregnant?" she nods "Yes, I shall book a check up for 12 weeks. Your only 4 weeks along currently. I'll also make you up a tonic to be taken every morning to help prevent any morning sickness. I suspect you'll be wanting to go tell your husband."

I nod standing "Thank you." she grins kissing me on each cheek "Good look." I start walking back through the palace almost walking into Aedion "Good evening Elysian, are you alright?" I nod smiling "Fine, yes, fine." he grabs my arm "Elysian what is wrong?" I shake my head slightly "Nothing is wrong. Really, just thinking." he tilts his head slightly "You're sure nothing is wrong?" I nod "I promise. Goodnight Aedion."

He bows his head "Goodnight Elysian." I reach my room and push open the door "I was begining to wonder where you'd gotten too." I smile sitting at my desk and undoing my hair only leaving my marriage braids. "Ely love, are you alright?" I turn in my seat smiling "I'm fine, I have something to tell you." he walks over cupping my face gently "Elysian you can tell me anything love." I lean into his hands "How would you like to start a family?" 

"I'm pregnant." his eyes widen a large smile spreading across his face "Your pregnant?" I nod smiling slightly
"Four weeks along."
"Your pregnant?" I chuckle nodding 
"Yea, we're going to be parents." 

"Your pregnant?" I grip his hand tightly "Thorin please say something else." he blinks slightly "I'm going to be a father. Do you know the gender? Healthy?" I giggle "All I know is that they're healthy." 
"They?" I nod

"We're having twins." I nod as he leans down kissing me gently "We're going to have our own little family." I giggle running my fingers through his hair "Yea." he grins dropping to his knees and kissing my hands placing them over my stomach "I'm going to love you so much my dears." I giggle kissing his forehead "I love you." he looks up "Who else knows?" 
"Nobody except the healer."

He stands brushing the hair out of my face "Our beautiful little family." I giggle slightly "Who do you want to tell first?" he grins "We'll tell people in a couple of weeks. I don't want you to strain yourself. You'll need lots of rest." he chuckles shaking his head slightly "Sorry, I know your fully capable of taking care of yourself." I stand "Its fine, I like how you care." Kissing his cheek I change into an oversized shirt before climbing into bed leaning into Thorin's arms. He wraps them around me gently tracing patterns on my arms.

"Are Majda pregnancys similar to dwarven?" I shrug slightly "I've no idea. Nine months, cravings for weird foods and probably sickness and excessive tiredness." he nods slightly "I'll take care of you my love." 

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