Golden dragon

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Thorin P/O/V:

I scowl and sheath my sword turning to the furnaces behind us "I have an idea." Balin turns also "It might not work." I scowl "Its the only idea we have." the others turn and I turn to Bomber "Get those bellows going. We need to light them." Gloin sighs "It'll take something to light these, there stone cold." I turn to Elysian who has her eyes closed and walk over taking her hand gently "Could you light them?" she smiles opening her eyes "I can try, but the dragon has caught your scent." 

"Everyone behind the pillars now." I drag Elysian behind me and Smaug appears growling but when the white hot jets of flame fly past the furnaces blaze to life. Elysian takes a deep breath "I'll keep him distracted." I shake my head "It's to dangerous." she smiles warmly pressing a kiss to my cheek "I'll be fine I promise." I scowl slightly not liking the idea at all "Thorin I can protect myself you know." I manage a small smile "I know, lead him to the main hall." she nods "I know where that is."

Pressing another kiss to my cheek she darts out from behind the pillar yelling out "Hey you big brute. For a dragon so many people are scared about your not very impressive." Smaug lets out a roar and another blast of fire goes past. Elysian grins "That's more like it." she takes of almost becoming a blur. Smaug lets out a bellow and his tail whips around as he turns following her. 

I turn to the others "Come on. Bilbo can you reach that leaver?" I point up and he nods running of. I help the others watching as the gold in the furnaces melts down running down the chutes into the mold set at the other end. Several roars echo around the cavern and I wince fear filling my heart. Taking a deep breath I focus on the task at hand.

Elysian P/O/V:

I continue running dodging around tight corners Smaug hot on my heels. The dwarves should have had enough time by now so I turn using the wall to flip over Smaug landing on his back, he snaps with his jaws trying to use his tail to knock me off. His back becomes hot so I jump of rolling to the side as a jet of fire streams to the side. Getting to my feet once more I run straight for the main hall jumping over clumps of rock that Smaug pushes to the side as if they where mere pebbles. 

Reaching the main room I skid to a halt turning to face the dragon "There's no where to run little sorcerer and now you will burn." "Smaug!" I smile at Thorin as he appears, the dragon turns growling "Oakenshield, king under the mountain." he rears up and while he is distracted I scale the wall behind me getting clear of the floor not entirely sure what Thorin is planning on doing. 

The statue behind Thorin explodes a golden dwarf appearing but only for a moment before it melts molten gold pouring down on to the floor swirling around the dragon. He roars as the scalding metal comes into contact with his scales. Thrashing around he disappears under the gold and it becomes a smooth pool the cavern reflecting of the shining metal. I hold my breath waiting to see if it has worked praying that it has. For a moment it seems it has but then a dark shape shifts underneath before bursting free spraying gold in every direction.

Yelling out the dragon turns towards the entrance crushing rocks underfoot before reaching the small gap at the top. He lets out a mighty bellow before breaking through and shooting up into the sky dripping gold behind. 

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