New Council

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Thorin P/O/V:

Bilbo leaves shortly after the ball with Gandalf promising to return for the wedding when we settle on a date. Meanwhile the vote for the new council takes place to the displeasure of several members, but I ignore them knowing I have made the right decision.

I walk into the council chamber a week later Elysian by my side smiling at Balin "You have the final list?" he nods holding out a rolled up scroll "Yes, twelve names." I unroll it scanning the names "Excellent, I see you have been re-elected along with Oin." he nods smiling faintly "We have seven new members including Dis and Gloin. Two other females and three males. You will be pleased to here Lord Aro, Lord Wain and Lord Corbin all lost their positions." I nod fighting to keep my face neutral "Announce the results tonight, we will have our first meeting tomorrow morning." he nods "Of course your Majesty." 

He leaves and Elysian smiles softly "I am proud of you my love." I turn to her "You are?" she nods kissing my cheek "You are a wise ruler and your people know it." I chuckle taking her hand in mine "Soon we will rule side by side, my Queen." she blushes slightly "I love you my King." the door bangs open Fili and Kili rushing in flushed and panting "Hello Uncle, Ely looking lovely." Kili grins "Don't mind us." I sigh rubbing a hand over my face "What did you do?" Kili grins "I made the mistake of telling Mother that I wanted to marry Tauriel and now she is yelling because I didn't tell her we were courting in the first place." 

Dis barges into the room glaring at her son "I can't believe you didn't tell me you had a girl. Of all the idiotic things to do. I would have been fully supportive, I want to meet her immediately then we can discuss your proposal idea." she turns to Fili "Don't you be getting any ideas about keeping secretes from me understood?" he nods and she gestures to the door "Come along then, I assume she is one of the elves staying in Dale?" she waves at us before leaving, Elysian chuckles "I'm going to head to Dale as well, I promised I would visit Bard and his family." I nod kissing her gently "Have fun." she smiles warmly "I'll see you at dinner." with a last kiss she shifts into a hawk and flits from the room.

The next day I sit at the head of the council table Elysian on my right and Dis on my left examining the faces of my new council "Welcome, I hope this council is stronger than the last and helps improve Erabor and care for its people. First of if anyone has any ideas they wish to share now is the time to do it." I listen intently while discussions start up and leave extremely happy with several new ideas for improvements. Elysian loops her arm through mine "I think Erabor is in very good hands." I nod "I believe so."

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